テンペリアウキオ教会Temppelinaukion Church

© Jussi Tiainen
Temppelinaukion Church is also known as the Church of the Rock, this marvelous structure was built directly out of solid rock. It was designed and constructedテンペリアウキオ教会は大岩をくりぬいた中に造られており、岩の教会という異名を持つ。1960年に建設を開始し、1969年にオープンしたのちヘルシンキで最も有名な観光地の一つとなった。内壁にはくりぬいたむき出しの岩がそのまま使われ、床には滑らかな石が使われている。天井の側面にはガラスがはめ込まれ、自然光が差し込む。この教会はスオマライネン・ティモとトゥモの兄弟によって設計されたのだが、建設途中でこの手つかずの岩の音響効果がとても優れていることがわかったため、このまま使用されることとなった。
Temppelinaukion Church
住所:Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki 00100
TEL:+358 (0)9 2340 6320
Text: Mike Sullivan in the 1960s and opened in 1969, it is arguably one of the most famous tourist destinations in Helsinki. The walls consist of raw, untouched stone, overhead a glazed dome lets in natural light, while the floor is made up of smooth stone. It was designed by Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen, who during construction realised that the rough, un-worked, stone walls created excellent acoustics and so left them as they were.
It is located not far from the Helsinki Music Centre in the area known as Toolo. It dominates the square within which it has been constructed; besides the raw rock prevalent along the sides of the building it is also incorporates a small park. In many ways it creates an optical illusion that this square just consists of rock and trees.
The inside is very large and can easily accommodate quite a large number of people. It is a very impressive view once you enter the church, on one side there is a massive gold organ and in the middle a lot of seating from which you can gaze upon the walls or the ceiling. There is nothing quite like walking along the sides of the building and feeling the rough rock as the sun shines through the windows above.
Around the world there are many beautiful cathedrals, but not so many visually unique ones like Temppelinauko Church. It is a great place for sitting and enjoying the atmosphere and unique sights, in a way it makes quite a statement about churches, that they don’t need to be conventionally constructed buildings. They can be part of the natural world too.
This is a very popular building due to its architectural features; however it is also a mix of spirituality and nature. As such it is truly a unique building not just in Helsinki, but also in the world.
Temppelinaukion Church
Address: Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki 00100
Opening hours are subject to change as per church ceremonies.
Tel: +358 (0)9 2340 6320
Text: Mike Sullivan