
ヘルシンキ・ミュージック・センターHelsinki Music Centre

© Helsinki Music Centre / Arno Chapelle

© Helsinki Music Centre / Arno Chapelle

In 2011 the latest addition to Helsinki’s design buildings opened, it is close to the famous Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art and situated just a few minutes away from the city centre. The Helsinki Music Centre was constructed inヘルシンキのデザインビル群に2011年にオープンしたヘルシンキ・ミュージック・センターは、有名なヘルシンキ現代美術館に近接し、都心からすぐのところに位置している。ここは、コンサート・ホールを熱望していたフィンランドの音楽家とオーケストラのニーズに応えるために建設され、目を引く美しい建物は、内装と外装のアートワークと同様に、素晴らしい環境に囲まれていることにも恩恵を受けている。今ではヘルシンキ・フィルハーモニック・オーケストラ、フィンランド放送交響楽団や音楽大学であるシベリウス音楽院の本拠地となっている。




Helsinki Music Centre
住所:Helsingin Musiikkitalo Oy, Mannerheimintie 13a, 00100 Helsinki
営業時間:8:00〜22:00 (Saturday, Sunday from 9:00)
TEL:+358 (0)9 600 900 900

Text: Mike Sullivan
Translation: Ryo Nishida
order to meet the needs of musicians and orchestras in Finland who required a purpose built concert hall. It is a beautiful building which draws the eye and benefits from being surrounded by plenty of space as well as artwork inside and outside. It is now the base for the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, and a music university, the Sibelius Academy.

The inside of the building is an absolute marvel, the entrance leads to a stairway down to the main floor of the music centre. From the top of the stairs there is a great view of the high ceilings and of the large piece of art hanging from it, while the large windows found around the building allow in a lot of natural light. It is also here where the ticket office is located and a long row of special built walls for hanging coats. The concert hall is surrounded by different facilities. As such, it is possible to visit just to go to the café, visit exhibition spaces, and go to the restaurant or the library.

The concert hall is an amazing work of design which has combined the best acoustics physically possible with a beautiful stage and seating layout. A central area is for the performers while the seating literally surrounds it allowing the audience to sit behind, in front or at the sides in one big circle. Although there is just the one big hall which allows 1,700 people to be seated, there are also six smaller halls for smaller numbers of people.

The centre prides itself as being a venue for art and a variety of music, as it is home to two orchestras and the Sibelius Academy, hundreds of concerts take place every year. In addition to this other performances take place such as dance and lectures, as well as exhibitions in the exhibition rooms.

Helsinki Music Centre
Address: Helsingin Musiikkitalo Oy, Mannerheimintie 13a, 00100 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 8:00 – 22:00 (Saturday, Sunday from 9:00)
Tel: +358 (0)9 600 900 900

Text: Mike Sullivan

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