ミナ・パリッカMinna Parikka

Photo © Kristiina Mannikko
Shoe designer Minna Parikka went to study fashion design abroad because by then there were not the same possibilities in Helsinki as it is nowadays. Nevertheless, once she graduated シューズ・デザイナーのミナ・パリッカは、当時のヘルシンキで横並びのチャンスを待つのではなく、ファッションデザインを学ぶために海外へ留学。しかし卒業後は、自身のシューズ・ブランドの拠点をヘルシンキに置くという英断をする。だからこそ、彼女は故郷ヘルシンキの魅力をたっぷりと教えてくれるに違いない。今日では世界的なブランドとなったミナ・パリッカ・ブランド。それは、彼女が併せ持つかわいらしさとたくましさ、カラフルで大胆なアイディア、そして彼女の作品を特徴づける革新者的スピリッツ。テイラー・スィフトやTK・ワンダー、レディー・ガガなど多くのセレブが彼女の靴を身につけてきた。
カフェ コッコ(Kalevankatu 31 A 6)
カフェ クーマ(Pursimiehenkatu 12)
クールナ レストラン(Meritullinkatu 6)
カック レストラン(Fabianinkatu 17)
Minna Parikka Shoes ltd
住所:Minna Parikka Universum, Aleksanterinkatu 36, Helsinki
TEL:+358 9 667 554
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Akari Otomo, took the brave decision of staying in Helsinki to run her own fashion brand. Thus she is a magnificent insider to let us know a few tips about her hometown. Today her brand sells all over the world. Minna has a pretty strong profile – colorful and daring ideas on a variety of different shapes – and an innovator spirit, which characterizes her work. Celebrities of the likes of Taylor Swift, TK Wonder and Lady Gaga have been seen wearing her designs.
How did you start out as a fashion designer?
I am living my teenage dream. My sister wrote an article about Pfister to a women’s magazine when I was 15. It was like a lightning had struck me when I realized that somebody can think about shoes all day long as a profession.
Fashion school TaiK in Helsinki where you were enrolled belongs to Aalto University today. Since Tuomas Laitien took over the Fashion Design program at Aalto University, seems that the institution has acquired a lot of international attention from the fashion world, probably becoming one of the most important fashion programs in Europe. Please tell me your opinion about this.
Tuomas and his strict curating has definitely done a great job in getting Helsinki on the fashion map. It is great to see so much talent coming from here that are employed by the big fashion houses and brands in Europe. Unfortunately, not that many people here start up their own brand. It is a rocky road coming from a remote place like Helsinki. You need to have a good commercial understanding as well to be able to make it.
Could you please tell me a few place you like in Helsinki?
Cafe Kokko (Kalevankatu 31 A 6)
Cafe Kuuma (Pursimiehenkatu 12)
Kuurna restaurant (Meritullinkatu 6)
Cock restaurant (Fabianinkatu 17)
I think a few celebs have been seen with some of your designs. Please tell me about it.
I am so touched that so many musicians, blogger, supermodels and it-girls have been wearing my shoes. We have had the likes of Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Cara Delevigne, Marina from the Marina and the Diamonds, Coco Rocha and her baby, Daisy Lowe, Suzi Bubble just to name a few.
Minna Parikka Shoes ltd
Address: Minna Parikka Universum, Aleksanterinkatu 36, Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 667 554
Text: Victor Moreno