
カーチャ・ハーゲルスタムKatja Hagelstam

© Katja Hagelstam

© Katja Hagelstam

Katja Hagelstam has been working for nearly 20 years as a freelance photographer; she has contributed to many books including 20+12 Design Stories from Helsinki. This book was made in celebration of Helsinki’s status as World Design Capital 2012カーチャ・ハーゲルスタムは25年程フリーランスのカメラマンと活動し、「20+12 Design Stories from Helsinki」を含む多くの本を手掛けてきた。この本は、ワールド・デザイン・キャピタル2012のヘルシンキでの開催を記念してリリースされ、フィンランドを代表するデザイナーやアーティストの20のインタビューが、カーチャの写真と共に収められている。彼女は、「ローカル」という素敵なギャラリーカフェも運営している。“72%のアートと28%のコーヒー” というコンセプトのもと、フィンランドのアーティストやデザイナーの作品を紹介する展覧会も開催している。




20+12 Design Stories from Helsinki」という本の撮影をしました。その本には、様々なクリエイティブ業界で活動しているヘルシンキ在住のアーティストたちの20のインタビューと、12の短いエッセイを収めました。








ヘルシンキではたくさんの小さなお店やレストランなどの場所を発見することができます。例えば、レストランならパトロナ(Annankatu 20)、アトリエ・フィンネムルコスモス、私の大好きなカフェはフルリストです。面白い地元のファッションブランドはイヴァナ・ヘルシンキサムイ2or+byYATで、ヘルシンキの中心部に直営店があります。旅行のガイドとしては「The Design District Map」が最適です。

TEL:+35 (0)9 684 9818

Text: Mike Sullivan
; it features 20 interviews with leading Finnish designers and artists, and includes photos by Katja throughout the book. She is also dedicated to a beautiful shop called Lokal. The concept for the store is “72% art 28% coffee”, and it is here that she works hard to organize exhibitions and show the work of Finnish artists and designers.

Please introduce yourself and your work.

My name is Katja Hagelstam, and I have been working as a freelance photographer for the last 25 years. I have mainly been shooting interiors, antiques and design. Over the years I have gotten to know a lot of artists and designers, having shot their work, studios and homes. I have always enjoyed shooting in real environments, but I do like the variety when I get to construct little settings.

What projects have you been working on recently?

I planned and shot a book called ‘20+12 Design Stories from Helsinki’. It consists of 20 interviews and 12 short essays by interesting people in various creative fields working and living in Helsinki.

Where do you get inspiration for your photography?

I am inspired by light, beauty and combinations of shapes and colours. Helsinki as a city fascinates me with its architectural diversity. The sea is definitely also a very prominent element.

What are your future plans?

To continue doing interesting photography assignments, but my main focus at the moment is my new concept-gallery Lokal, which I have been running now for the past year.

Could you tell us about Helsinki? What do you like about it?

I like the easiness of moving around and getting to know people. The different seasons have a strong impact on the light and feeling of the city.

Please tell us about your favourite places in Helsinki.

There are many small interesting places to explore. For dining I would recommend Patrona (Annankatu 20), Atelje Finne, Muru and Kosmos. Fleuriste is one of my favourite cafés. Ivana Helsinki, Samuji and 2or+byYAT are examples of interesting local fashion brands, that all have flagship stores in the heart of Helsinki. The Design District Map works excellently as a travel guide.

Address: Annankatu 19, 00120 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 18:00 (Saturday and Sunday till 16:00)
Tel: +35 (0)9 684 9818

Text: Mike Sullivan

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