

© Marimekko

© Marimekko

In 1951 the first Marimekko fashion show took place and on the back of its success the first stores were opened in Helsinki. This brand was created by Armi Ratia and in the years since it has achieved international fame and helped Finland1951年に、マリメッコの初めてのファッションショーが行われた。その成功の背景には、ヘルシンキにマリメッコ1号店が開かれたことがあった。アルミ・ラティアによって誕生したこのブランドは、数年の間に国際的に有名になり、フィンランドが最先端のデザインで名声を得る助けとなった。もちろんデザインだけが有名になったのではなく、全てフィンランド製であることのこだわりやマリメッコ・スピリットのようなコンセプトから成り立っていることもよく知られるようになった。この精神は、どんな物やどんな人に対しても公正で、どんなことも一緒にやり遂げ、失敗のリスクを恐れない、フィンランド人の性質の良いところを強調している。





Marimekko flagship store
住所:33 Pohjoisesplanadi, 00100 Helsinki
営業時間:10:00〜20:00 (土曜日17:00まで)
TEL:+358 (0)9 686 0240

Text: Mike Sullivan
Translation: Ryo Nishida
earn a reputation for cutting edge design. However, it has not only become well known for design as it is also comprised of concepts such as having products that have been made in Finland and the Marimekko spirit. Arguably, this spirit highlights the best of Finnish characteristics such as fairness to everyone and everything, getting things done together and courage even at the risk of failure.

Over the decades this brand has benefited from the creative work of Finnish designers, as well as other designers, who have been able to continue the work of Armi Ratia and contribute to the very Finnish essence that lies at the core of all of its products. For this reason there are bright colours, but each colour has to match the season. One can’t help wonder if this is prompted by the location of Finland which in winter experiences long dark nights, months of snow and extreme cold, while in the summer the days are long, the sun is very bright and the skies a beautiful blue.

The products of Marimekko help emphasize a practical side to the Finnish character whereby everything can be found under one roof. As such any typical store has tableware and household textiles, clothing, bags and accessories. In the Helsinki flagship store and other stores in Finland there is also a special sauna range of clothing and other products, which is understandable considering how popular the sauna is in this country. However, the key difference between Marimekko products and other brands is down to the sheer brilliance of the designers.

The flagship store in Helsinki is a large building near to the centre and port; it is comprised of two floors and has recently been refurbished. Upon entering it is immediately clear that the brand has clearly stamped the inside of the building with its unique sense of taste, walls, floors and even tables feature Marimekko designs which are complemented by large windows that create a bright atmosphere. Throughout the store there are products beautifully laid out on tables, in glass cabinets and even hung specially from the ceiling. Another great feature is an almost hut like structure on the second floor inside and around of which are many clothes.

Today Marimekko can be found around the world, but any true fan of this brand should make the pilgrimage to Finland, to its true home, and experience not only the pleasure of shopping but also its very Finnish spirit.

Marimekko flagship store
Address: 33 Pohjoisesplanadi, 00100 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 20:00 (Saturday till 17:00)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +358 (0)9 686 0240

Text: Mike Sullivan

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