ギャラリー・フォルスブロムGalerie Forsblom

© Galerie Forsblom
Galerie Forsblom is a gallery run by father and son team Kai and Frej Forsblom, Kai has been active in the art world since 1977. The gallery moved toギャラリー・フォルスブロムは1977年からアートの世界で活動をしている父とその息子、カイとフレイ・フォルスブロムによって運営されている。2011年にニューヨークのグラックマン・メイナー・アーキテクツによって設計された建物に移動し、明るくモダンな雰囲気で、ヘルシンキの中心部やメインストリートから数分の距離という立地も魅力的。絵画、彫刻、工芸など様々な分野の気鋭作家、ベテラン作家を扱い、国際的なアーティストと国内のアーティストを交互に展示している。
Galerie Forsblom
住所:5 Lönnrotinkatu, 00120 Helsinki
TEL:+ 358 9 680 3700
Text: Mike Sullivan its current location which was designed by Gluckman Mayner Architects, New York, in 2011, besides the clear modern feel of this gallery it also benefits from its location which is literally a couple of minutes from Helsinki’s main street and city centre. The gallery displays art from different mediums such as painting, sculpture and crafts; it alternates between international and Finnish artists who are either emerging or mid-career.
It is located in the world famous Design District of Helsinki on Lönnrotinkatu, nearby you can also find the Nudge shop (eco shop), Café Lokal and Miun shop. The inside itself is very spacious with 680 square metres dedicated to art, with sheer white walls and ceilings, which are well lit, and a wooden floor, it is well suited for displaying the work of the great artists who have exhibited here. The two main spaces are very modern and provide an absolutely marvellous atmosphere for viewing contemporary art.
Every year there are around 10 exhibitions, previous artists who have exhibited include, but are not limited to, Fanny Tavastila, Johanna Ehrnrooth and Nguyen Trong Minh. The gallery is also very active in attending art fairs around the world and showcasing the work of artists who have exhibited at the gallery.
Anyone visiting Helsinki, and especially planning a tour of the Design District, should make this one of their first stops. It is one of the leading galleries of Finland with carefully chosen artists exhibiting here, as can be seen from the website’s past exhibitions the art that has been shown here is of top quality and with such perfect surroundings, and guided by the experience of the Forsblom family, it is easy to see why.
Galerie Forsblom
Address: 5 Lönnrotinkatu 00120 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (Saturday 11:00 – 16:00, Sunday 12:00 – 16:00)
Closed on Monday
Free admission
Tel: + 358 9 680 3700
Text: Mike Sullivan