デザイン・フォーラム・フィンランドDesign Forum Finland

© Design Forum Finland
The Finnish Society of Crafts and Design began in 1875, in its long history it founded a school which eventually became today’s University of Art and Design Helsinki and also it founded the Museum of Art and Designクラフトとデザインに特化したフィンランド文化は1875年に始まり、この長い歴史はヘルシンキデザイン芸術大学やアートデザイン美術館の設立を促すこととなった。1980年代の終わりに中小産業間の促進となるための媒体としてデザイン・フォーラム・フィンランドが活動を開始し、店舗や展示スペースも用意された。デザイン・フォーラム・フィンランドの主な目的の1つは、国際的なプロジェクトとしてデザイン製品と、デザイン知識の輸出を増加させつつ、デザイン分野をより強化させるべくフィンランドでのビジネスを奨励すること。
Design Forum Finland
住所:7 Erottajankatu, 00130 Helsinki
TEL:+358 (0)9 622 0810
Text: Mike Sullivan. At the end of the 1980s it began Design Forum Finland, a vehicle for promoting design among small and medium-sized industries, and at their premises in Helsinki they also have a shop and small exhibition space. One of their principal aims is to enhance the design sector and to promote business in Finland, while their international projects are aimed at increasing the exports of designed products and design expertise.
The shop/exhibition space also incorporates a small café and is located not far from the centre of Helsinki in a well known area of the city famous for its many design shops and art galleries. It has a deceptively large space, from the front it appears to be small but once inside you can see that the premises are quite long and modern, and therefore provides a perfect place for showing off the design work of Finnish manufacturers. The members of staff are very attentive and helpful, while the café is a little small it is more than suitable for enjoying a drink.
Products from around 200 different companies and 200 different designers can be bought here; it is a truly astounding number of people and companies who are involved in the cutting edge of design and manufacturer in Finland and firmly reminds us that this country is truly a place full of creative people. An important section of the shop is furniture, although obviously this is no ordinary furniture as they are the work of top Finnish designers, this is being expanded with a new showroom planned in the basement.
It is a great venue for browsing household products, furniture, etc, which are beautiful, interesting or just amazing for the way they have been designed. It is an extensive shop so there is a lot to see. There are also events always being organised such as design sales, a focus on products for kids, and even pop-up shops in other countries.
Design Forum Finland
Address: 7 Erottajankatu, 00130 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00 (Saturday till 18:00)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +358 (0)9 622 0810
Text: Mike Sullivan