アテネウム美術館Ateneum Art Museum

© Ateneum Art Museum
The cultural offer of Helsinki has dramatically increased in the last couple of decades. The Design Week, Flow Festival, and the events and seminar organized through the year by Alvar Aalto University are perfect examples. Alvar Aalto’s ARTEK heritage is in the line of the German Romantic idea about “Gesamtkunstwerk”, or total work of art, which was important for Aalto, embracing architectural and industrial design with fine art.建築家、アルヴァ・アールトの影響により、フィンランドの建築、芸術、デザインは、常にモダニズムの動向と結びついている。フィンランド国立の「アテネウム美術館」は、1887年に設立され、1903年にはゴッホ作品を所有する世界で初めての美術館となった。
ヘルシンキ駅の近くに位置する3階建ての重厚なネオルネッサンス建築は、「ホテル カンプ」の設計でも知られる同国の建築家、テオドル・ホイエルにより設計された。書店にはアールトの書籍も取り揃えられている。
Ateneum Art Museum
住所:Kaivokatu 2, 00100 Helsinki
TEL:+358 (0)294 500 401
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Ayumi YakuraWalking in the center of Helsinki it is very easy to stumble upon Ateneum, located in Kaivokatu 2 – in the area of Rautatientori, very close to the Railway Station – a yet vivid small street with stores, restaurants and such. Ateneum is a member of the Finnish National Gallery.
Established in 1887, is not until 1990 when Ateneum moves to this building arranged under the government administration. Arguably due to Alvar Aalto’s influence, Finland’s design, art, and architecture has always been quite attached to Modernist movement. Ateneum has presented a vast collection of modernism art featuring works by such masters as Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Paul Cézanne, Fernand Léger and Marc Chagall. But also it houses the biggest collection of classical art in Finland. As a matter of fact, in 1903 Ateneum became the first museum in the world to own a Vincent van Gogh.
The building comprises three storeys with a Neo-Renaissance style. It was conceived by the Finnish architect Theodor Höijer – Hotel Kämp in Helsinki is also one of his prominent works, which today is part of the Luxury Collection property of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide. Ateneum counts with a pretty decent book store and cafe place. Some book recommendations you will find there are Alvar Aalto – Art and the Modern Form from his own publishing house or Alvar Aalto: Second Nature published by Vitra Design Museum.
Ateneum Art Museum
Address: Kaivokatu 2, 00100 Helsinki
Opening Hours: Tue, Fri 10:00 – 18:00 / Wed, Thurs 10:00 – 20:00 / Sat, Sun 10:00 – 17:00
Closed on Mondays
Tel: +358 (0)294 500 401
Text: Victor Moreno