

ハンブルグを拠点に活動する、音楽芸能プロダクション「MFOC (Music For Our Children)」がこの度、ショーケースを開いた。時は2月15日。場所はハンブルグ市内でも特に若者が集うシャンツェン地区のど真ん中にある、「ワーゲンボウ」だ。On february 15th, the Hamburg based music and booking agency MFOC (Music For Our Children) held a showcase at the Waagenbau, a location right in the Schanzenviertel in Hamburg. そのレベルの高いIDMとエレクトロニック・ミュージックで、ハンブルグ内外でもその名が知られている「MFOC」に所属するアーティスト達。そんな彼らが今回のイベントで発表した曲はやはりどれも良いものばかりだった。通常彼らはレギュラーとして、「ゴールデン・プデルス・クラブ」で毎週日曜日にパフォーマンスを行っており、ファンクストラング、ジミー・テノー、チェシーといったアーティストを過去に紹介している。


住所:Max Brauer Allee 204, 20676 Hamburg
TEL:+49 4024420509

Text: Daniel Goddemeyer from Parasonic
Photos: Courtesy of MFOC
Translation: Sachiko Kurashina
Being known in and around Hamburg for their excellent taste in IDM and electronic music the lineup that the guys from MFOC presented that night was very promising. MFOC has been around in Hamburg for quite some time. Usually they host a regular sunday night at the Golden Pudels club and presented artists such as Funkstoerung, Jimi Tenor and Chessie in the past, just to name a few.

Waagenbau is an enrichment to the northern german clubscene. The name of the location, Waagenbau, comes from the former use of the building that used to be a store in that one could buy weighing machines. When the store went out of business about a year ago, the location seemed perfect for opening up a new club. Being located right under the tracks of the trains the music and parties can not bother near by residents, which usually is a great problem in Hamburg. Having just opened up some time ago, the furnishing of the club is still very spartanic which does not keep people from throwing some of the best parties that Hamburg had had in the recent time. The club is divided into two rooms of which one is rather a bar area in which you can chill out, talk to people you meet etc.. The other room is slightly larger and is reserved for concerts that take place there on a regular basis. The concept of the Waagenbau is to represent a broad variaty of musical styles and be open to all kinds of music.

Address: Max Brauer Allee 204, 20676 Hamburg
Tel: +49 4024420509

Text: Daniel Goddemeyer from Parasonic
Photos: Courtesy of MFOC
地址:Max Brauer Allee 204, 20676 Hamburg
时间:+49 4024420509

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