柳川 川下りYanagawa Kawakudari

© Yanagawa Kanko Kaihatsu K.K
昭和36年の創業以来、風情ある柳川を、竹竿一本で巧みに操り案内する「柳川 川下り」。現在の乗船場のある松月文人館は明治中期の建物で、北原白秋の詩集「思ひ出」にもうたわれた白秋ゆかりの場所Since its establishment in 1961, ‘Yanagawa River Ride’, has been guiding the beautiful Yanagawa with just one bamboo pole to manipulate the boats. Shogetu Writer Museum。総延長470キロメートルに及ぶ大小の掘割(降り過ぎた雨水を貯めておくための堀)が網の目のように巡る、柳川の独特な水郷風景を、「どんこ舟」と呼ばれる船に乗り、川下りで楽しむことができる。
柳川 川下り
, which consists of a pier to the trip, is a building from the mid-Meiji period and is a famous place in connection with a poet, Hakushu Kitahara as it is mentioned in a poem ‘memories’. The trench (used to keep excess rain water) with the total length of 470km, spreads across Yanagawa to creates a unique riverside district. It is possible to enjoy the area with boats called ‘Donko Boat’.
A common route would be to ride though 4.5kn of inner pier for 70 minutes from Shogetu Pier tp Oki no Hashi (Rokkyu). There is also a pier at Ohana. Other available courses include the charter plan (from 10.000 yen) and a night cruise. Being guided by a boatman and gently touching the history of Yanagawa would be a chic experience.
Yanagawa Kawakudari
Address: 329 Takahata, Mitsuhashi-machi, Yanagawa, Fukuoka (Shougetsu dock)
Open: 9:00-17:00 (June-September till 17:30)
Fee: Adult 1500 yen / Children 800 yen
Tel: 0944-72-6177 (Yanagawa Kanko Kaihatsu K.K)
Translation: Akio Usui