白玉屋新三郎Shiratamaya Shinzaburo

© Shiratamaya Shinzaburo
Since the Edo period (1638), Shiratamaya Shinzaburo has been making rice syrup, glutinous rice flour and Shiratama sweets (dumpling) based in Yatsushiro, Kumamoto for approximately 360 years江戸時代(寛永十五年)から、熊本県八代を本店に、米飴、白玉粉、白玉菓子作り続けて360有余年。白玉屋新三郎では、厳選した原材料を使用し、昔ながらの石臼挽き製法で白玉粉を製造し、これを使って菓子製造を行っている。
白玉屋新三郎 福岡天神大丸店
住所:福岡市中央区天神1-4-1 大丸福岡天神店本館B2F
営業時間:10:00〜20:00(イートインコーナーは、19:45 オーダーストップ)
. At Shiratamaya Shinzaburo, the ingredients are carefully selected to be crushed and grinded by a stone mortar, a traditional method to produce the shiratama flour (glutinous rice flour). Using the grinded
flour, their sweets are produced. “The true (without corner cutting) craftsmanship” became the reason for the company to be successful for many generations.
In their branch shops in the downtown Fukuoka such as Daimaru Fukuoka Tenjin Store and Sakurazaka Store (1-6-9, Sakurazaka), they offer a range of the Shiratamaya Shinzaburo products, including shiratama (rice-flour dumplings), shiratama-ha-kaori-gashi (leaf covered rice-flour dumplings) covered with sinnamon and myoga ginger (summer only), shu-shiratama (rice-flour dumpling cream puff) as well as a selection of ingredients that go well with the shiratama such as soy bean flour, black sesame seeds, red bean paste pulp, sesame syrup and powdered green tea syrup.
Both stores provide eat-in areas, where it offers rice-flour dumpling dishes that are displayed in seasonally selected plates. The soft and strong texture, which is so unique that it can not be experienced in anywhere else, attracts customers across the country. A part of their products are also sold online (Japan only).
Shiratamaya Shinzaburo Fukuoka
Address: B2F Daimaru Tenjin, 1-4-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Opening Hours: 10:00-20:00
Tel: 092-712-8181
Translation: Akio Usui白玉屋新三郎 福冈天神大丸店
地址:福岡市中央区天神1-4-1 大丸福岡天神店本館B2F