千仏鍾乳洞Senbutsu Cave

Photo: Crystalline Radical
The size of Hiraodai Countryside Park is almost equal as Akiyoshidai Park in Yamguchi as its geographical greatness. Hiraodai is designated as a special natural treasure日本でも有数のカルスト台地が広がる平尾台には、200を越える鍾乳洞があると言われている。そのうち3つの観光洞(千仏鍾乳洞、目白洞、牡鹿洞)に入洞することができる。
国指定天然記念物 千仏鍾乳洞
, semi-natural park, and prefecture nature park. With the characteristic of Karstic geographical such as Yougunbaru, Pinnacle, Senbutsu limestone cave, and under grounded river, Hiraodai’s nature, which features animals and plants. There are three limestone cave opened to the public.
Senbutsu Cave is designated as a famous cave that is acknowledged as a Japanese special nature treasure. Its tourist route has about 700 meters long. Some places also have natural ground rivers. The visitor can splash and walk along in the water.
Mejiro Cave is the most longest cave in Hiraodai, whish has more than 2000 meters long. Only small part of its route is opened to the public.
The length of the Ojika Cave is about 400 metes, but there is a 50 meter difference in distance between the highest and lowest level. The entrance area has a pit style opening, which is very unusual. About 25 meters down from the entrance, there is exist to a horizontal hole, where tourist allows to see the inner part of Karstic.
Senbutsu Limestone Cave
Address: 3-2-1 Hiraodai, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00 (Saturday and Sunday till 18:00)
Entrance Fee: Adult 800 yen, Student 600 yen
Tel: 093-451-0368
被指定为国家古迹 千仏钟乳石