太宰府天満宮Dazaifu Tenmangu

© Dazaifu Tenmangu
Constructed in 905 in Dazaifu-shi Fukuoka, Dazaifu Tenmangu is a shrine built over the grave of Michizane Sugawara (845 – 903) who was known as the deified spirit of Michizane and the God of literature福岡県太宰府市にある太宰府天満宮(905年創建)は、「学問の神」「誠心の神」として知られる菅原道真公(845〜903年)を御祭神として祀る神社。日本三大天満宮のひとつといわれ、九州はもとより全国から毎年650万人以上の参詣者が訪れる。
『東風吹かば においおこせよ 梅の花 あるじなしとて 春なわすれそ』という有名な歌があるように、道真公と飛梅にまつわる伝承は多く、太宰府天満宮での御神酒は梅酒が使われている。約6000本ある太宰府天満宮の梅は、2月上旬から3月中旬が見頃。表参道から境内の奥まで、茶屋があり名物の「梅ヶ枝餅」などを楽しめる。また、鮮やかな紅色に染まった「梅干」は、お土産としても最適だ。
, and is one of the three major Tenmangu in Japan. More than 6.5 millions people from all around the nation visit to the shrine.
In the precincts of Dazaifu Tenmangu, you can see various historical architectural objects and treasures of crafts and books including, an important cultural asset Shigasha, the Taiko-Bridge (photo) that represents a Buddhism conception of past, present and future, Kanko Historical House where introduces the Michizane’s life shown with dressed Hakata Doll. You can also find more than 50 thousands of treasures of crafts and palaeographies in the collection displayed in Treasure Hall (closed until 19th September 2009 for its renovation).
You will be enjoying the blossom of 6,000 plum trees at the peak in the vicinity of Tenmangu in the beginning of February through the mid March. The pickled UME (plum) is good for souvenirs.
There are many other great spots to visit near Dazaifu Tenmangu including Kyushu National Museum, The ruins of the medieval Dazaifu Administrative Buildings, Komozen Temple, Kanzeon Temple which houses national treasures and important cultural assets. You should take enough time to visit around the Dazaifu area.
Dazaifu Tenmangu
Address: 4-7-1 Saifu, Dazaifu, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-922-8225