野田恒雄Tsuneo Noda

Photo: Takumi Photo Studio
日々の挑戦を楽しむ人の場作りを目的として2005年5月に福岡で始動した「トラベラーズプロジェクト」。2006年の「冷泉荘」、2007年の空き室再生プロジェクト「345プロジェクト」など建物再生プロジェクトを次々とスタートLaunched in May 2005 aiming to provide some recreated space for people who enjoy renovation and new challenges, Travelers Project started a project “Reisensou” in 2006させ、両プロジェクトの2009年3月終了と同時に、同年4月より3番目のプロジェクトとなる「紺屋2023」が本格始動した。この一連のプロジェクトの仕掛人となっているのが、建築デザイン事務所「no.d+a(number of design and architecture)」の代表を務め、トラベラーズプロジェクトを主宰する野田恒雄氏である。これまでに生活してきた数都市に加え、現在拠点としている福岡を更なる自身のホームとして活動範囲を広げながら、新しい挑戦をしている彼もまたトラベラーのひとりだ。
時間:Konya-gallery 11:00〜20:00/Kasa (Konya-cafe) 17:00〜24:00
, “345 Project” for remodelling vacant rooms in 2007, which were ended in March 2009. And their new project “Konya 2023″ has launched as the 3rd project in April 2009. The series of the Travelers Project is produced by Tsuneo Noda, an organizer of the project as well as an architect who established his design office “no.d+a”. He is also one of the “travelers” to challenge new activities in his current base city Fukuoka, in addition to other past his base cities expanding his creative boundaries.
Please introduce yourself and your recent activities.
As you read my profile, I’ve moved around several places about past few decades. I’ve lived in Kyoto for 7 years, Shiga for 7 years, Tokyo for 4 years and Fukuoka for 6 years (as of 2009). So I feel like my home ground is all of them. Every year I visit a certain place in each city, so it’s more like I “go back” to the place rather than “visit” there.
I wish I could have as many home grounds as I can. So Fukuoka is not only my home ground city.
I live in a wide area that includes all the cities I used to live, and that expands my vision and thoughts naturally as well. I think having wider range of visions is better and important to keep creative.
As for my recent activities, I work for architectural design which includes planning, design, management and more.
Please tell us about Travelers Project.
Considering people who enjoy daily challenge like a travel, as “travelers”, Traveler Project is a project aims to create a place for the travelers. The “place” lies in a conceptual space and time where various aspects cross over, from something concrete like architecture to something abstract like media. The role of the “place” is to become a basis to create new happenings which never happen individually, connecting various aspects of kind of industries, position, race, sex, age, region, etc. The participants of the “place” are challengers who try to new things which can never be done by individual. They are independent as a individual. Travelers enjoy a challenge and the “place” where “gathers independent individuals” is a “station” for travelers. In other words, the Travelers Project is to create stations for travelers.
Please tell us about Fukuoka. What do you think about working and living in the city?
The base for Travelers Project is in Fukuoka, where is accessible to other cities and is located in the middle of other major cities of Asia such as Tokyo, Shanghai, Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore. As an urban city, the compact infrastructure (highway, railroad, air and sea route) is maintained to form a high-level middle city. In addition to the minor business based in the Kyushu region, there are many activities go in on. The creative field of art, design, fashion and music is forming a distinctive culture and practice, different from areas like Tokyo and Osaka. The Traveler Project takes Fukuoka as a main source for new value and culture of Asia.
For me Fukuoka is the forth city. As I have lived different cities, I can see both good and bad part about the city of Fukuoka. And I think Fukuoka has a possible city and its geographical importance will increase as the society gets more global. Fukuoka is a great place for creative people.
Please tell us your favorite places in Fukuoka.
Ohori Park, City Hall square. They are located in the middle of the city center, giving rich atmosphere.
Konya 2023
Address: 1-14-28 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Open: Konya-gallery 11:00-20:00 / Kasa (Konya-cafe) 17:00-24:00
Tel: 092-984-6292 (TRAVEL FRONT)
时间:Konya-gallery 11:00-20:00/Kasa (Konya-cafe) 17:00-24:00