
山田しのぶShinobu Yamada

福岡を拠点に、雑誌やメディア、企業から個人まで幅広くスタイリストとして活躍する「style “BANZAI”」(スタイルバンザイ)代表のSHINOこと、山田しのぶさん。ファッションセラピストとしてカウンセリングやアドバイスも行っているShinobu Yamada aka SHINO is a stylist of style “BANZAI” who has been working based in Fukuoka for various fields including magazines, media, companies and individuals。10年以上のキャリアを持つSHINOさんに注目のトレンドについて、福岡の街についてお話を伺った。


style “BANZAI”(スタイルバンザイ)代表のSHINOです。現在、福岡を拠点にファッションセラピスト・パーソナルスタイリストの仕事をしています。初めての仕事はアパレルメーカーの営業。その後レディースショップのプロデュースを頼まれ、買い付けの為、海外を行ったり来たりの生活がスタートしました。






最近の注目はファストファッション。海外デザインのリーズナブルなファッションが、これから日本にどのように影響するのか気になります 。またこのファストファッションの登場で、数々の海外ブランドが日本のファッションや流行を意識するようになるのに伴い、日本独自のトレンドやデザインが、逆に世界へ向けて発信されるようになる事に期待します。



style “BANZAI”(スタイルバンザイ)
住所:福岡市博多区美野島2-2-1 5F
. She also provides counseling and advise as a fashion therapist. Over 10 years of her career, SHINO reveals stories about her interest tread and a city of Fukuoka.

Please introduce yourself and recently your works.

I’m SHINO and work as a president of style “BANZAI”. I am a fashion therapist and personal stylist based in Fukuoka. The first job is doing business for an apparel company, after that I was asked to produce a women’s shop which made me to have been in and out of abroad as a buyer. During those days, I realized many Japanese people have a high-level interest for mode. By contraries, there are quite many people who do not know what they want to put on, what their taste is or which one is the best coordinate. Some people don’t have confidence in their fashion sense and they look so gloomy for going out. I wanted to make them happy, enjoy and have confidence in themselves and I started to establish style “BANZAI”. These days, we have requests from corporations in addition to individual customers.

Please tell us about Fukuoka city, How about the work and life in the city.

To put it shortly, the good point is you can taste both of town and country life, I think. The core area of the city is Tenjin and everything is there, so you are accessible to go shopping or commuting. It does not take much time to commute, neither we rarely line for lunch. Fukuoka is said to be the biggest city in Kyushu region, and has its own feature, not too urbanized. You can also enjoy mountains and ocean by driving a bit of time.

For a decade, how did the city change? Please tell us about changes of fashion, shops and other cultures.

Before a decade, most of things are going on only in the central area of the city Tenjin but big shopping center has developed in the suburb area and it drastically changed the flow of people. New shops coming from Tokyo has been launched in Fukuoka. So people can get hot items or there are more new restaurants to eat. I think, however, there were more shops and people that were very unique a decade ago. Recently we have more access to shop via online that makes a thousand choices to enjoy a mode life.

What is your interest now? What is your trend?

My recent interest is a fast-fashion. I pay more attention to how the reasonable fashion brand from overseas inspires to Japanese fashion industry. In addition, as the fast fashion develops, many international brands is going to be aware of Japanese fashion trend. So I expect Japanese unique fashion trend and design will be delivered to overseas. My hottest trend is the 80’s fashion. I used to enjoy it at that time, so I’m looking forward to enjoying the fashion again.

Please introduce your favorite shops.

I recommend IBIZA a restaurant located in Ukiha, a mountain along the border between Fukuoka and Oita. You can enjoy great views on the way to reach the place. The restaurant is constructed with stones, a fire place and kiln give a feel of Ibiza Island like. In summer, you can keep yourself cool at a terrace and even down to the clear water that runs along the restaurant. This restaurant serves Spanish dishes like hand-made hams, sausage and paella. They have another restaurant IBIZART in Yakuin. The owner is a painter Shinsei Obana, so many artists visit there.

style “BANZAI”
Address: 5F, 2-2-1 Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-473-0855

Translation: Haruka Kibata

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