
東信Makoto Azuma

植物が発する色彩や形などの視覚的な美しさだけでなく、そこから音も感じ取り作品として展開しているのは、ジャルダン・デ・フルールという花屋を営みながら、植物を使って作品を作るアーティスト、東信(あずま・まこと)Makoto Azuma is an owner of a flower shop Jardins des Fleurs as well as an artist who not only explores visual beauty of colors and shapes that are given off from plants and flowers。植物という命あるものを素材とした作品からは、力強さと繊細さ、ハードとソフト、そんな2つの相反するエッセンスを捉えることができる。これまでに、コレットでの展覧会を初め、カルチェ現代美術財団でのパフォーマンスや、ドイツNRWフォーラムでの個展など、国内外の数多くの場で作品を展示するなど精力的に活動を行っている。





現在、これまでAMPGで発表した全作品を展示する個展「AMPG vol.25」が、東さんの地元でもある福岡の三菱地所アルティアムで開催されましたね。


さらに、同期間、天神イムズで「White Emotion −白い気持ち−」という空間演出を行ってましたね。





, but also create works of art feeling sound from them. In his works you can capture the opposing essence of dynamism and subtlety or hard and soft. So far, he has exhibited in various places nationally and internationally including a show at colette, a performance for Les Soirees Nomades at Fondation Cartier, a solo show at NRW Forum in Germany and etc. He has also actively showcased his creation for 2 years in his own private gallery AMPG which was closed in last March.

Please introduce yourself.

I’ve been managing a flower shop Jardins des Fleurs as well as working as an artist using plants.

You established your own private gallery AMPG for a limited time opened for 2 years. How and why did you start AMPG?

I use plants for my work. First of all there were no galleries that accepted for using them. I know it’s because there are many problems using plants and flowers since they are living things. For this reason I think there wasn’t realized to exhibit works using plants in gallery spaces. So then I decided to do it by myself and started AMPG. Recently there are galleries where welcome plants. I think I’ve proved a way how galleries could handle living artworks during 2 years of AMPG experience.

Your solo exhibition AMPG vol. 25 is on the show at Mitsubishi Jisho Artium in Fukuoka where is your local city. AMPG vol. 25 showcases all the past work you exhibited at AMPG in addition to a new work.

This is my second time to exhibit my work at Mitsubishi Jisho Artium. It’s an exhibition in my local city, but I don’t feel love toward local area. I don’t have specific feeling to any cities like Tokyo, Fukuoka, New York or London. But I came up with an idea to make a work under a theme of my memory, as I hold an exhibition in my local city. Many people have their own memories like if you listen to certain kind of music, it reminds you of a girlfriend who you used to hang around and things like that. And I wanted to express such memory with plants. Returning to my local area, I kept track of the past memories I’ve gone through, shooting like a road movie by seeing various people, eating local food, staying there over nights and so on. At the end of the film, the making process of my latest work is included.

In your local area, you also did installation work ‘White Emotion’ in Tenjin IMS.

I worked on it under the theme of drop. As its 20th anniversary, I created a drop hanging from the ceiling and from it there stretched out the vast green. I have a special feeling for the place as I used to hang around there when I was young. IMS was a kind of my starting post.

What would you like to do the next?

As I manage a flower shop, I can’t be away from there for a long time. An eternal theme for me is to keep myself as a florist and I want to work with flowers until I die. Unless I keep such desire, it’s impossible to create flower art.

The other day I visited to the Cactus Herb Garden in Miyazaki, which was closed in 2005. I’ve been asked to do something there from the person who is managing the untouched garden. I’d really like to do something at the garden at any moment (laughs), but as I said earlier that it’s not possible since I want to do the flower shop for my life. There are many cactuses left at the garden and they keep growing strong. It’s the best place! We took many pictures of the garden, so I’m planning to release the book. I have ambition to reproduce the place even taking a decade in the future.

Makoto Azuma
Born in 1976 in Fukuoka. As a flower artist, he has participated in the national and international exhibitions including an art exhibition at colette, performance for Nomadic Naights at Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, art exhibition at NRW Forum in Germany among others. He opened a flower shop Jardins des Fleurs in Ginza in 2002, which was relocated in Minami Aoyama in January 2009.

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