
二俣公一Koichi Futatsumata

Born and raised in Kagoshima and based in Fukuoka and Tokyo, Koichi Futatsumata is a product and architectural designer at CASE-REAL. As one of the prominent designer to lead the Fukuoka鹿児島出身で、福岡と東京を拠点に、アートとデザインの狭間でプロダクトや建築設計デザインを行う、ケース・リアルの二俣公一氏。ホームグラウンドである福岡で手掛けた様々な空間デザインは都市の文化を形成し、その全てがその地域のランドマークとして機能する、福岡の文化を牽引するデザイナーの一人だ。












新作のコートラック「4FB」が「E&Y FUKUOKA」にて購入可能です。(全国のE&Y取扱店でも取扱いがあります。)

セントエティエンネ・デザインビエンナーレ(2000年)招待出展、JAPAN DESIGN NOUVELLE GENERATION(2001年)招待出展、ミラノサローネ2008(E&Yコレクションより)出展、その他展覧会多数。デジタル・デザイン・オブ・ザ・イヤー(2002年)金賞受賞。2009年ケース・リアル(株)を設立。
’s culture, his various space designs created in his home ground in Fukuoka form an urban culture and function as a landmark of the region.

Please introduce yourself.

Born in Kagoshima. I’m a designer and CEO at the architectural office CASE-REAL Co.,Ltd. I’m involved in architectural and space design and furniture and product design as well.

What’s your concern when you work on architectural project?

I don’t define myself as an architect. Definitely I work for space as a base, but I haven’t constructed anything yet. I definitely design something 3D. Taking into account various aspects such as given environment, atmosphere, potentiality, condition and all that, I look for ideas super-subjectively. For me that is very important process. And in the next step I try to narrow down those good ideas which come up in my mind, to be careful not to lose the pure part of it. The objective work includes various things like if I can archive what client aims for, if the plan functions well, if it’s beautiful, if it’s meaningful, if it’s possible to build, if it’s within budget, where it’s positioned socially, if it’s clear regulations of the law, etc. It depends on designers who take most advantage on which aspect among others, but the basis of making things is something like that.

Please tell us one of your design which made you the biggest impression?

Regardless of the size, I usually get impressed by the project. Recently I’m strongly impressed by the biggest project of the West converting a former zipper warehouse to a fashion boutique “Minorityrev Hirao”. There were many challenges and experiences including concept, style, function, materials, relation to client, etc.

You are based in Fukuoka and Tokyo. What do you think about to live in Fukuoka?

For me Fukuoka is a best place for “a living environment” in Japan. With a living basis, I do have work in Fukuoka. So it’s very natural to be based in Fukuoka. I have a fascination with especially Tokyo of people like some high-caliber creators and clients. That’s why I established a office in Tokyo. But I even feel embarrassed with one-way news delivered by Tokyo’s big leading media company and those creators who are targeting the media. I don’t take consider Tokyo is one of Japanese region. I do take consider Tokyo is an international city like New York, but I don’t think Tokyo is a center of Japan any longer. It is not always true that things that are good in Tokyo are good in other regions. In these half a year, I’m involved in a restoration project of cultural properties designated by the national government in Takeda, Oita. “in reverse, the system created local regions have potential to be developed in the local regions except for Tokyo”, is the words by a producer Mr. Naoki Ezoe who works the restoration project together.

Please tell us your recommend spot in Fukuoka.

Recently I like the road at the edge of runway located in the Fukuoka Air Port. I take my 3-year daughter who likes the place. You can have a great view of airplanes in one of the best (?) suburban airport.

Is it possible to purchase CASE-REAL products in Fukuoka?

A new coat hanger 4FB can be purchased at E&Y FUKUOKA (as well as other E&Y branches nationwide). I’m planning to release some products from several companies in 2010. Unfortunately CONCENTS is not produced anymore.

Koichi Futatsumata
Born 1975 in Kagoshima. He established his own design office CASE-REAL in 2000. He works on architectural and product design based in Fukuoka and Tokyo. Invited to Biennale International Design Exhibition (Saint-Etienne, 2000). Another invitation to Japan Design Nouvelle Generation (2001). Exhibited at Milan Salone 2008 (from E&Y Collection). Golden award for Digital Design of the Year (2002). In 2009 he established his own company CASE-REAL Co.,Ltd.

Translation: Mariko Takei

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