坂下和長Kazunaga Sakashita

© Kazunaga Sakashita
The process and back ground of product making and the story brought by the back ground from concept for design. Kazunaga Sakashita aims for simple but deep designs素材の特性と異素材との関係性、そのモノの持つ背景やストーリーをふまえ、シンプルがだ奥行きのあるデザインを目指す、プロダクトデザイナーの坂下和長(サカシタカズナガ)氏。デザインオフィス「CRITIBA(クリチーバ)」を立ち上げ、プロダクト制作を行っている。2006年には、「ROW-楼-bench」がグッドデザイン賞を受賞。
1976年福岡県生まれ。1999年西南学院大学商学部卒業後、THE CONRAN SHOP等を経て、2006年CRITIBA(クリチーバ)設立。 2008年8月より株式会社エフキャストを母体とする。素材の特性と異素材との関係性、そのモノの持つ背景やストーリーをふまえ、シンプルがだ奥行きのあるデザインを目指す。2006年グッドデザイン賞受賞。
. In 2006 He established CRITIBA, which produces furniture and the product design. His product ‘ROW-Bench’ won of Good Design Award in 2006.
Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.
I’m Kazunaga Sakashita, a product designer, born in Fukuoka in 1976. After graduating from university, I have worked at Conran Shop and NEST, a Northern European antique shop for 7 years. After the experience, I established a design office CRITIBA. People around me must have thought if I was ok to open the office, as I didn’t have enough experience in design. But luckily, ‘ROW-Bench’, a combination bench made with aluminum and Igusa (rush), was awarded for Good Design Award in the year I established the office. Considering how to pull out a good part of each material, I try to design things respecting each feature, background and story of its own. As a result I try to make something simple yet “deep”. I also try to respect my intuition for creation.
I’m involved in various projects, preparing to build my own brand, working on a traditional craft project, producing original products for an interior shop and exhibiting at various shows. I’m now working on a project for a design event DESIGNING which will be held in Fukuoka from April 24th to May 6th. I will present a product/furniture related to books. I also work on an experimental approach for viewers to participate in the next creation by browsing books which are displayed in the bookshelf.
Please tell us about Fukuoka. What do you think about living and working in the city?
Put simply, I think Fukuoka is a compact city. I think Fukuoka is comfortable place to live, as the city is accessible to both downtown and countryside. I recommend areas like Yakuin, Hirao and Takamiya for living, where you can find many shops and cafes and have special moments. As a work environment, Fukuoka is improved its infrastructure for design and production, as there are iron factories in the neighborhood and the city is located near Okawa city, a famous city for furniture production.
What do you think about art/design scene in Fukuoka?
I wish to have municipal and prefectural contemporary art museums in Fukuoka. As there are galleries representing contemporary art. I hope the movement gets more active in the future. I was greatly influenced for establishing my own office by those young freelance creators around me. As for the design scene, there is a big design event DESIGNING, which will be held for 5th time in this year. The event created a link between all kinds of creators. As there are few places to present works and chances to explore them to business compare to Tokyo, events like DEISINGNING are important places to meet opportunities.
Please recommend us your favorite places in Fukuoka.
I recommend an Italian bar “Kasa” that is just opened on April 1st 2009. Building a project team with the owner of Kasa, architects, pottery artists, graphic designers and myself, we created this bar where you can enjoy Italian cuisine and wines as well as all the product used in the bar including furniture (table, chair, stool), small products (lighting, cutlery rest, mirror, hook) and most of the table wares that can be purchased. The Kasa is located in the building Konya 2023.
Kazunaga Sakashita
Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1976. Graduated from Seinan Gakuin University. After working at THE CONRAN SHOP, in 2006 established ‘CRITIBA’, which produces furniture and the product design. The process and back ground of product making and the story brought by the back ground from concept for design. He aims for simple but deep designs. The winner of Good Design Award in 2006.