水崎浩志Hiroshi Mizusaki

© Hiroshi Mizusaki
Hiroshi Mizusaki is a Fukuoka-based photographer working in various fields. Photographing the Interior and architectural design works by Koichi Futatsumata福岡を拠点に、写真家として様々な分野で活躍する水崎浩志氏。二俣公一氏(ケース・リアル)や、下川徹氏(スタッド)などの手掛けたインテリア・建築撮影をはじめ、エディトリアルやコマーシャルから、クラブでのVJや、屋外スライドショーなどの実験的なパフォーマンスまで、写真というフィルターを通して、福岡の「今」を伝える媒体(表現者)となっている。
住所:福岡市中央区港1-9-1 TAM Bld. 3F
, working as a VJ in clubs, making outdoor slide presentations, Mizusaki has become a vehicle that communicates what is happening now.
Please introduce yourself.
I was born in Fukuoka in 1970. I graduated from the photography major in Art department at Kyushu Sangyo University. After the graduation, I worked for a creative design studio. Then, in 2000, I started my own studio, Loop photo creative. I started as a freelance photographer and worked mainly in editorial and commercial fields. When I met Koichi Futatsumata (Case Real), I started working with his projects and architecture photography. During that time I did skateboarding and that experience gave me an opportunity to see the culture around it. This experience affected me and gave me a new perspective to things. Nowdays, I also make outdoor slide presentations, slide!, and play as a VJ in club events besides work.
What is your focus on architecure photography?
I really do not have a fixed focus because I did not start my career as an architecture photographer. To stretch a point, I am concerned with reality. A landscape or a structure can be made out of CG pers, but photography can tell environment and texture around the subject. That is why I am concerned with information within the frame made of shapes, lights, and quality that help to feel the atmosphere.
Please tell me one photographing session that stands out in your memory.
The one for a catalogue for Suzukake, a Japanese sweets shop in Fukuoka. Keeping the fundamentals of sweets, I started from undoing ready-made ideas. I was a director for this project. I spent a fair amount of time for seeing, discussing, photographing and spending time for trial and error. At the end, the work did not become eccentric. We were able to capture the sweets in a way that makes them stand sharp.
What do you think about working in Fukuoka? Is it easy to work?
I cannot compare the situation with other cities because I have never done it. But, I do not feel uncomfortable here in Fukuoka. I have a job and it is very comfortable to live. I have been able to work with a good stance. At the same time, I do not limit my field only in Fukuoka or Kyushu. I would like to work in different cities. It is very easy to fly and go to other cities in Japan from Fukuoka. In addition, we have means to get information from overseas and to deliver what we are doing in Fukuoka.
Where is your favorite spot in Fukuoka?
Fukuoka is known as an entertainment city. There are many shops and venues related to music. I was playing music in a band before. Music helped me to connect to other people. One of the venues I like going is Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop. The owner himself is also a musician. At Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop, you can see many bands from different music genres. You also get a beautiful sunset view over the port from the terrace. That is one of the best spot in Fukuoka for sure.
Loop photo creative
Address: 3F TAM Bld., 1-9-1 Minato, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-716-7764
Translation: Masanori Sugiuraループ・フォト・クリエイティブ
地址:福岡市中央区港1-9-1 TAM Bld. 3F