

数々のミュージシャンやアーティストを生み出し、音楽に熱い都市として知られる福岡で、2003年から音楽シリーズイベントを開催し続けているのが谷川義行が主宰するプロジェクト「HANABI」である。Based in Fukuoka where has been produced various musicians and artists, Yoshiyuki Tanigawa aka HANABI has organized the music event series since 2003.世界にも通ずる未来のマスターピースや、もっと語り継がれるべきホンモノ音楽は、まだまだ眠っていると信じて活動中のHANABIに、お話を伺ってきた。



何もかもが猛スピードでモデルチェンジという名の消費を繰り返す現代において、産み出されたものはあっという間にその輝きを失う、短い賞味期限が付いたものばかりです。世に溢れかえる音楽もまた例外ではありません。その一方で、消費されることのない輝きを放つ”芸術性の高い” 、”意志に満ち溢れた”音楽を鳴らすアーティストが沢山います。雑音の多い現代人の暮らしでは見落とされがちな、そういった音楽を創り続けるミュージシャンの方々を招いて、福岡を中心に日本各地、海外でイベントを企画しています。


「HANABI」についてはほぼ月1回のペースで開催しています。従来通り九州を中心にライブツアーの企画をしていますが、音楽の幅がより多様になってきています。海外アーティストのライブ企画も徐々に増え、2008年は「Edgar Jones & The Joneses」、「Ida」といったミュージシャンのライブ企画を行いました。



さらに、自分が大好きな「旅」と「音楽」を掛け合わせた企画「HANABI TRAVEL」も計画中です。「魅力的な街や土地」「魅力的な会場」「街が映える季節」、それに加えてアーティストの持つ個性や魅力が掛け合わされると、どこにもない1点もののスペシャルな空間と時間が生まれると思います。

個人的にですが、印象に残っているライブは、自分の暮らす街以外で行ったライブであることが多いように思います。自分の街で見るライブは、当然のことながらライブの直前まで、そして直後から、普段の日常を持ち込もうとしてしまうがために、ライブの余韻はどこへやらです。余韻が残るようなライブの見方をするには、住み慣れた街は雑音や雑念が多すぎると感じています。僕が企画し、ゲストに迎えている方々の音楽は、心に響く何か秘めているので、「その何かが余韻という形で心に残る」イベントを創っていきたいと思っています。そこで、日常から切り離した場所に人々を連れ出そうと、「旅」と「音楽」を掛け合わせた企画をしました。ライブは旅の一部ですが、必ず新鮮な気分でライブと旅を楽しんでもらえると確信しています。HANABI TRAVEL 第1弾は、今年5月にタイのバンコクにて「TOKYO No.1 SOUL SET」、そして「THE ZOOT16」の渡辺俊美さんをゲストに約1週間の期間で開催が決定しています。




たくさん居て挙げきれませんが、常にその活動に注目しているアーティストは、「CINEMA dub MONKS」、「青柳拓次」、「mama!milk」、「COMBOPIANO」です。イチオシは「THE ZOOT16」、「sigh boat」そして「F.I.B JOURNAL」です。


福岡が全国に誇る夏フェス「SunSet Live」を行っている、糸島半島にあるビーチカフェ「サンセット (SunSet) 」と姉妹店「カレント (Current) 」です。あと「ステレオ」という大名にあるレストランバーを推薦します。


Text: Yuko Matono
He believes there is more undiscovered original music which could be a worldwide masterpiece in the future.

Please introduce yourself and your recent activity as HANABI.

I started the music event series as I had joined in a project to establish a live place in November 2003. At the beginning I was named as fireworks instead of HANABI (means fireworks in Japanese). Then I renamed as HANABI after there was an album release event held in April 2004. That was the time I started to join in tours around Kyushu region and I intended myself to organize “events for those who doesn’t know the good part of the music yet”, instead of “events for those who know it already”.

Things are rapidly consumed and remodeled again and again in these days; new things soon become old. It’s like most of them released with the short time of the use-by date. Same thing happens to music either. On the other hand there are many artists who create music with un-consumable “high artistic quality” and with “full of will”. I produce music events in Fukuoka and beyond nationally and internationally, inviting creative musicians who create music that could be overlooked in these modern days.

Could you tell us your activities in the past and in the future?

“HANABI”, a music event series, has been held once a month. As planning live tours in the Kyushu area as usual, the music genre gets diverse. Increasing the number of live performances by the international artists, we planned live performances by Edgar Jones & The Jones and Ida.

I also intend to communicate with people who are enthusiastic on things besides music, for example non-music creators, farmers, variously social activists, to transcend the border of existing music events.
One of the event series is “cafe live for mums” that is intended for mothers and their kids or mums-to-be, who are busy in child-raising and there’s few opportunities to enjoy cultural events. So I started to provide authentic live events for them to experience with kids who could have potential to find out the real music. I organized the event series 4 times in Fukuoka city last year. I’m planning to hold this event outside Fukuoka in the future.

I’m also planning to work on a project mixing “travel” and “music”, “HANABI TRAVEL”, which will provide special new space and time to blend with “attractive town”, “attractive venue”, “seasons” and the uniqueness of artists.

Personally I’m impressed by lives performed outside the town I live. After and before the live performed in my town, I soon return living everyday lives so there quickly lose afterglow of the live. As for enjoying live performances, I feel there are too much noise and distraction in the familiar environment. The music created by the creators I invite to the event is very powerful. I want to produce the event where remains afterglow of the event. So I decided to produce a project mixing “travel” and “music” to take people on the journey to somewhere unfamiliar places. The live should be a part of the journey. I believe people enjoy live and travel feeling fresh moments. The first one will be scheduled in May 2009.

What do you think about the music scene in Fukuoka?

I see music as one of the diversity of everyday life or cultures. So I can’t tell what the music scene in Fukuoka is like, but I feel people in Fukuoka are more enthusiastic about music than people in other cities. There are many organizers who don’t like to offer places for those “packaged music” events from Tokyo. There are some musicians who believe more people in Fukuoka who visit to see live performances than people in Tokyo.

Please tell us your favorite musicians.

There are too many to name few, but the musicians I always keep an eye on are CINEMA dub MONKS, Takuji Aoyagi, mama!milk, COMBOPIANO. My recommends are sigh boat and F.I.B JOURNAL.

Please tell us your favorite places in Fukuoka.

I like SunSet and the branch cafe Current. SunSet is a beach cafe located in Itoshima Peninsula, where the summer festival in Fukuoka SunSet Live has been held. And I recommend a restaurant bar called “STEREO” in Daimyo area.

Yoshiyuki Tanigawa (HANABI)
HANABI is a music event project hosted by Yoshiyuki Tanigawa. Since November 2003 he has started to organize a music event series “HANABI” inviting musicians nationally and internationally. He has been working actively in Kyushu regions including Okinawa, Osaka, Kobe, Korea, Thailand, and etc.

Text: Yuko Matono
Translation: Mariko Takei

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