
The Bayside Area Seaside Momochi is known as an urban resort in Kyushu as well as a leading office district in Fukuoka. Along the sea shore, there is a public art space called Aero Gallery DUNE九州のアーバンリゾート地として、また福岡の最先端オフィス街として知られるベイサイドエリア・シーサイド百道(ももち)。海岸沿いに広がる、福岡タワーをはじめとする高層オフィスビル群の一角に、エアロギャラリー「DUNE(デューン)」というパブリックアート・スペースがあり、人々の日常に豊かさを与えている。
住所:福岡市早良区百道浜3丁目 located at a cluster of high-rise office buildings such as Fukuoka Tower.
Giving rich moment to our every day life, the dynamic works installed in Aero Gallery DUNE are “Poodle” (photo) by Shin Myeong-eun located at the center stage, a4 pieces of big blue circle objects, “Nostalgia of Circulation” by Jae Eunchoi, a big structural piece “Ultra Find” by Noboru Ttsubaki, beautiful at night “Night Scene” by Jean-Francois Blanc.
Since 1983 the city of Fukuoka has planned “to develop town with sculptures”. In Fukuoka you can enjoy various public art pieces including Yayoi Kusama “Pumpkin” at Fukuoka Art Museum, Nam June Paik’s Video Installation at Canal City, Clement Meadmore “Swing” at Ohori Park, 15 artworks created by Asian artists at Riverain Center site where Fukuoka Asian Art Museum is located.
Aero Gallery DUNE
Address: 3 Momochi-hama, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka
Translation: Mariko Takei空气画廊 DUNE