

ウェブサイト「ピクセルガーテン」は、オンラインのポートフォリオ。SHIFT2004カレンダーコンペティションに選ばれたカトリン・アルテンブラントとPixelgarten is an online portfolio established by 2 designers based in Frankfurt, Catrin Altenbrandt who was selected for SHIFT 2004 Calendar Competition and her partner Adrian Niessler. Their distinctive touch of detailed works generates their own world of creation.パートナーのエイドリアン・ニッセラーの2人により運営されており、フランクフルトで自身のプロジェクトを中心に活動しているデザイナーだ。独自のタッチで詳細に描かれるイラストは、独特の世界観を持っている。


カトリン・アルテンブラントとエイドリアン・ニッセラーの二人で「ピクセルガーテン」として活動しています。オッフェンバック芸術大学在学中に知り合いました。現在、フランクフルトを拠点に「ピクセルガーテン」という名で、2004年から一緒に活動しています。スタジオは「ベーシス」という場所にあって、フランクフルト在住のアーティストやデザイナー、作家やミュージシャンに開放しているんです。最近の作品には、三次元のグラフィックデザインにフォーカスした本「Three D – Graphic Spaces」や、巡回展を予定している「German Design Award」の展覧会グラフィック作品があります。




最近のカフェの中でのお気に入りは「イイモリ」というジャパニーズカフェです。すごくかわいらしケーキもあるし、チャイもおいしいし、古い家具がそろっていて、自動演奏のピアノもあるんです。フランクフルトの中心のレーマーという場所の近くにあって「フランクフルト美術館」「アニタ・ベッカー・ギャラリー」「フランクフルト・シルン美術館」も近くにありますしね。「フランクフルト現代美術館 (MMK) 」を訪れた後にイイモリでお茶をする、というコースが好きですね。アート、デザイン関連の本を探すのに良いのは「ヴァルター・ケーニッヒ書店」という本屋が近くにあるのでおすすめです。大抵のもの全てが近くにあって、歩いて回れるというのがフランクフルトの魅力ですね。


他におすすめの場所は、オーガニックのアイスクリームやフードを扱う「ダス・イーズ」、「プレイス・トゥ・ビー」というバー、 スープが絶品の「スーペ」、「ホテル・ニッツァ」の最上階でフランクフルトの景色を見ながらコーヒーを見るのも素敵だと思います。

Catrin Altenbrandt(カトリン・アルテンブラント) ドイツのハーナウ出身。
Adrian Niessler(エイドリアン・ニッセラー)ドイツのゲッティンゲン出身。

Translation: Junko Isogawa

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

Pixelgarten are Catrin Altenbrandt and Adrian Niessler. We met while studying at the University of Art and Design in Offenbach. In 2004 we started working together under the name Pixelgarten – which is now the name of our Frankfurt based studio. Our studio is located in “basis” – a place which offeres studios for artists, designers, writers and musicians that are based in Frankfurt am Main. Our recent works are the book “Three D – Graphic Spaces” which focuses on threedimensional Graphic Design and the exhibition Graphics for the German Design Award – which will be a travelling exhibition.

Please tell us about your city, and how about living in your city for yourself/activity.

We really enjoy living and working in Frankfurt – it’s a very small “big city” – and a great place to be. Frankfurt is a city you won’t love at first sight – but if you take a second look you will be surprised. What is quite dominant here is the financial district of Frankfurt with all the big skyscrapers – which make Frankfurt look like a big city – which it isn’t. Compared to its size Frankfurt has quite a lot of cultural life. Two Art schools the Staedelschule – which is Germanys most famous Art Academy at the moment – and the University of Art and Design (in Offenbach next to Frankfurt) are located here.

Please tell us a favourite places in the city you live and work in.

One of our favourite Cafes at the moment is the Japanese Cafe “Iimori” here in Frankfurt. I love the beautiful cakes the sell here, their chai-tea and the atmosphere with a lot of old furniture and the automatically playing piano. It’s located close to the Roemer a central place in Frankfurt – where you will also find the Frankfurter Kunstverein, the Satelit Exhibition Space (by the gallery Anita Beckers) and the Schirn Kunsthalle. Imori is also a good place to take a break after you have visited the MMK – the Museum of Contemporary Art.
A good place to look for Art and Design books is the Buchhandlung Walter Koenig – which is also quite close. This is one of the advantages of Frankfurt – everything is quite close to the other and just a short walk away.

Another nice area of Frankfurt is Sachsenhausen – the part of the city which is located on the other side of the river Main. Close to the river bank – which is a nice place to be on a sunny day – the Brueckenstrasse – is a good spot if you are looking for young designer clothes. But Sachsenhausen is also great to find a nice places to eat or go out at night. If you love spicy Thai-Food you definitely have to go and eat at the thai “restaurant” Udon. It does not look so nice from the outside – but the food is great. Ask for their special menu card in the evening. For traditional Frankfurt food and Apple-wine the Textorstrasse is a good place to go. The traditional restaurants with wooden tables and benches serve the famous “Gruene Sosse” (green sauce – made of herbes) The Exenberger is a really nice little restaurant and take a way for modern style Frankfurt food – the serve delicious “Marillenknoedel”.

To see young contemporary artists the galleries Eva Winkeler, Anita Beckers, Parisa Kind and the art spaces at Atelierfrankfurt and basis are worth visiting.

Some other nice places to go are Das Eis (organic self made ice cream and food), The Place to be (bar), Souper (delicious self made soups) and the roof-top terrace of the Hotel Nizza for a coffee and a great view on Frankfurt.
The more I’m writing the more nice places come to my mind – so there’s a lot more to discover when you are in Frankfurt.

Catrin Altenbrandt born in Hanau/Germany
Adrian Niessler born in Goettingen/Germany
Studied at University of Art and Design in Offenbach
Since 2004 work under the name Pixelgarten in Frankfurt am Main
Have been exhibiting their work in variuos exhibitions
Work for clients such as Gestalten Publishing, Wired Magazine, Laforet Tokyo, Birkhauser Publishing, form Magazine, German Design Council, amongst others.

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