
ドイツ建築博物館German Museum of Architecture

ドイツ建築博物館(DAM)はヨーロッパにおいて、建築とその歴史に関する情報が豊富な施設のひとつ。設計はケルンに拠点を置く建築家オズワルト・マティアス・ウンガースが手がけThe German Museum of Architecture (DAM) is seen as one of the best addresses in Europe for information about architecture and its history.、「建物の中に建つ建物」として、それ自体が最大の展示品となり建築芸術の象徴となっている。1912年に一対の邸宅を壊して、ガラスのホールに囲まれた透明な建物へと生まれ変わった。精密な構造と一貫して白に統一された内装により、館内の展示物がより一層引き立てられ、一つ一つ集中して見ることができる。また、「先史時代のヒュッテから高層建築物まで」と名付けられた常設展では、石器時代から現代に至るまでの24もの大規模な模型を見ながら、より深く建築物や人々の住まいに関する歴史を知ることが出来る。

German Museum of Architecture
住所:Schaumainkai 43, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
料金:6 EUR/学生 3 EUR
TEL:+49 69-212-36318

Translation: Yuki Mine
The Cologne-based architect, Oswald Mathias Ungers, designed the DAM as a “house in a house”, creating the largest exhibit and a symbol of constructional art. The twin villa was rigorously gutted in 1912 and surrounded by a glass hall, giving a transparent architecture. With a strict structure and consistently kept in white, nothing distracts from the sight of the objects. 24 large-scale models from the Stone Age to the present enable visitors to the permanent exhibition, “From the Prehistoric Hut to the Skyscraper”, to find out more about the history of construction and settlement.

The focus is on several large exhibitions that the DAM devotes every year to current projects of modern and contemporary architecture at home and abroad. The programme is supplemented by congresses, symposia, photo exhibitions and lectures. Visitors are also attracted by film, literature and music events. With a collection of 180,000 architectural plans and drawings, as well as 600 models, the DAM possesses a real treasure trove. Engravings, sketches and drawings from Schinkel to Gehry, from Mies van der Rohe to the Archigram architecture group, offer material for exhibitions on the trends and phases of the 20th century. Visitors who would like to find out more about architecture can visit the permanent library with some 25,000 books and magazines.

German Museum of Architecture
Address: Schaumainkai 43, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
Open: 11:00-18:00
Entrance Fee: 6 EUR / Student 3 EUR
Tel: +49 69-212-36318
地址:Schaumainkai 43, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
承认:6 EUR/学生 3 EUR
电话:+49 69-212-36318

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