
シェイク・ザーイド・モスクSheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque

Named after “Our father Zayed” who founded the United Arab Emirates in 1971, this mosque is architecturally very impressive. The world’s eighth biggest mosque is also known as the “Grand Mosque” among locals“アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)建国の父”から名前をとった、「シェイク・ザーイド・モスク」。アブダビにある素晴らしい建築様式を誇る世界で8番目に大きいこのモスクは、地元の人々の間では“グランドモスク”としても知られている。周辺のモスクとは違い、このモスクはイスラム教徒以外の人々や女性も足を踏み入れることができる。ただし礼拝日である金曜日は例外。また、アラブ人ガイドによるモスクやイスラム教に関する逸話を交えながらのツアーも行われている。




Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque
住所:2nd street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
開廊時間:9:00〜12:00(ガイドツアー 10:00から)
TEL:800 555(国内のみ)

Text: Mamiko Kawakami
Translation: Yuki Mine
. Unlike other mosques in the region, the Grand Mosque’s doors are open for non-Muslims and women visitors, except on Friday, which is the traditional holy day. A free guided tour by an Emirati guide is also well worth attending, for interesting anecdotes about the mosque and Islam.

Although it’s commonly filled with tourists, this mosque is still a holy place for Muslims. At the entrance, they will give visitors a full cover hejab (black traditional costume for women in the region) with headscarf for women, and a distasha (men’s white traditional costume) for men who arrive in shorts.

Strictly no intimacy is allowed in the mosque between men and women, such as kissing or holding hands. Visitors will start their visit in bare feet, from the magnificent courtyard paved with floral marble. Standing in the courtyard, under which Sheikh Zayed is buried, light reflecting from the polished white marble of the mosque is enough to dazzle your eyes.

The UAE is obsessed with anything that is the ‘world’s biggest’, and in the Grand Mosque the country gets two more records – the world’s biggest Iranian carpet and the world’s biggest chandelier.

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque
Address: 2nd street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Opening Hours: 9:00-12:00 (Guided tour 10:00)
Closed on Friday
Tel: 800 555 (domestic only)

Text: Mamiko Kawakami
地址:2nd street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
电话:800 555(国内唯一)

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