ドバイ博物館Dubai Museum

© Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing
Today Dubai is famous for its sprawling development and towering skyscrapers, but it wasn’t always this way. Just over forty years ago, the city was relatively unknown to the world, and its residents scraped今日、ドバイは数多く建ち並ぶ高層ビルで有名だが、今までずっとこうだったわけではない。わずか40年前まで、この街は漁業と真珠採りで成り立つ世界では無名の小さな漁村だった。超現代的な街の中心地に聳え立つ世界一高いビルを眺めると、半世紀の間にこの街が遂げた急速な発展は想像しがたい。
住所:Al Fahidi Fort, 62A Street, Bur Dubai, Dubai
開館時間:8:30〜20:30, 金曜日14:30〜20:30
(ラマダン期間中 9:00〜17:00, 金曜日14:00〜17:00)
入館料:大人 3 DHS, 子供 1 DHS
TEL:+971 4 353 1862
Text: Mamiko Kawakami
Translation: Yuki Mine a living through fishing and pearl diving. Looking up the world tallest building in the heart of the ultra-modern downtown district, it is hard to grasp how so much could have changed in just half a century.
Although much has been lost in the sands of time, Dubai’s history as a small fishing village dates back as far as 2,000 BC. Many relics from this long history have been recovered in the last several decades, and are now on display at Dubai Museum. The building itself, known as Al Fahidi Fort, is 200 years old – making it the oldest in the city.
The fort, which is made out of coral rock, was used as ruler’s palace for a long time, and once even as a prison, before it was renovated in 1971 to be used as a museum. The display includes historical objects from diving materials, a traditional wooden boat (called dhow) to 5,000 year old artefacts excavated from Neolithic graves in the country.
The area around the museum is the old Dubai merchant area called Bur Dubai. Despite the recent creation of the city’s commercial district, Bur Dubai is still popular with Indian traders, with shops selling textiles and electronics. The knowledge that the narrow commercial streets were once filled with fish markets and jewellery shops selling local pearls, can lend a sense of nostalgia to any casual day visit.
Dubai Museum
Address: Al Fahidi Fort, 62A Street, Bur Dubai, Dubai
Openig Hours: 8:30 -20:30, Friday 14:30 -20:30
(during Ramadan: 9:00 -17:00, Friday 14:00-17:00)
Closed on Monday (expect Public Holiday)
Entry Fees: Adult 3 DHS, Child 1 DHS
Tel: +971 4 353 1862
Text: Mamiko Kawakami
地址:Al Fahidi Fort, 62A Street, Bur Dubai, Dubai
开放时间:8:30-20:30, 星期五14:30-20:30
电话:+971 4 353 1862