フリッジThe Fridge

© The Fridge
The trucks which clog the roads of Al Quoz by day are long gone by nightfall, leaving the dusty industrial area unnaturally quiet. However, if you pass by one converted warehouse, you may hear the gentle hum of music and laughterアルクォズの道路は日中貨物トラックで渋滞が多いが、夜になると砂埃だらけの工業地帯は静まり返る。その静けさの中、改装されたある倉庫からは優しい音楽と笑い声が聞こえてくる。
The Fridge
住所:Warehouse #5, 26 Street, Blue Roof (KPS sign on the the front), Al Quoz, Dubai
TEL: +971 4347 7793
Text: Mamiko Kawakami
Translation: Yuriko Nakamo.
That warehouse is owned by renowned harpist Shelley Frost, who has transformed it into a hub for live music since its opening in 2007. The space is open for rehearsals, jam sessions, workshops and public performances. It has been the venue for a concert series by jazz-fusion band Kaleidoscope, a collective of Dubai-based musicians from all walks of life.
Underlining the wide range of genres, the venue was also host to a unique Shakuhachi performance by Lebanese player Kyle Kamal Helou.
In addition, workshops on many different musical styles, such as modern jazz, hip hop, contemporary and new dance. Moreover, there’s also space from amateur dramatics and fitness styles like aerial silk classes.
Tickets are reasonably priced around 50dhs to 80dhs for a live concert or workshop. In addition, Fridge can also arrange some artists to play at a wedding or other event.
The Fridge’s philosophy is built on a passionate focus on locally based talent, promoting, managing, collaborating and constantly looking for platforms for the growing music scene in Dubai. Check out their website for the latest event info.
The Fridge
Address: Warehouse #5, 26 Street, Blue Roof (KPS sign on the the front), Al Quoz, Dubai
Tel: +971 4347 7793
Text: Mamiko Kawakami