From American-style rappers wearing traditional Bedouin clothes, to local DJs spinning Arabic techno, the music scene in Dubai is in the process of defining itself. While some would say that the restrictions placed on the local live performances are preventing growth, there are an increasing number of concerts being held in the city. The Madinat theatre frequently holds concerts from leading artists as well as classical music recitals. - Mamiko Kawakami
  • The Fridge

    フリッジThe Fridge

    © The Fridge

    The trucks which clog the roads of Al Quoz by day are long gone by nightfall, leaving the dusty industrial area unnaturally quiet. However, if you pass by one converted warehouse, you may hear the gentle hum of music and laughterアルクォズの道路は日中貨物トラックで渋滞が多いが、夜になると砂埃だらけの工業地帯は静まり返る。その静けさの中、改装されたある倉庫からは優しい音楽と笑い声が聞こえてくる

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