
エミレーツ・パレス・ホテルEmirates Palace Hotel

© Emirates Palace Hotel

© Emirates Palace Hotel

The most expensive hotel ever built sits in the capital of the UAE. The stately Emirates Palace hotel took three years of work, 20,000 construction workers and US$3 billion to buildエミレーツ・パレス・ホテルは、史上最高の費用を掛けたホテルとしてアラブ首長国連邦の首都アブダビに誕生した。ホテル完成までには三年の工事期間と二万人もの労働者、そして総工費30億ドルが費やされ、2005年に完成以来、世界中の富豪達が訪れている。





Emirates Palace Hotel
住所:Corniche W street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
TEL:+971 2690 9000

Text: Mamiko Kawakami
Translation: Yuki Mine
. It has continued to attract the most exclusive clientele since it opened in Abu Dhabi in 2005.

It’s $1million luxury holiday package sees clients flown in on first class from any location in the world to stay at the hotel’s most expensive suite. Prices range from $400 for the Coral room, which has a floor space of 592 square feet, to the $11,500-a-night Palace Grand Suite – which has 7,319 square feet of floor space.

Despite the exclusivity of the hotel, the doors of the main lobby of the hotel are wide open to sight-seers. However, a large portion of a visit is spent looking up at the breath-taking gold-encrusted ceiling decoration of the entrance lobby.

The hotel is a constant venue for various art exhibition, and developers are currently showing off a collection of plans for the impressive Guggenheim Abu Dhabi and Louvre Abu Dhabi architectural projects.

Lining the corridors in the hotel are cabinets filled with rare archaeological objects from all around the world. However much of the display, which would be the envy of any national archaeological museum, is for sale to private collectors. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a price tag is available only on request.

Emirates Palace Hotel
Address: Corniche W street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971 2690 9000

Text: Mamiko Kawakami
地址:Corniche W street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
电话:+971 2690 9000

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