スタジオ AStudio A

AIAIAI is a Copenhagen-based audio design company, focused on creating unique, high-quality headphones and earphones with a clear, crisp sound.Headquartered in Copenhagen, AIAIAI is proud to contributeコペンハーゲンを拠点とするAIAIAIは、クリアで鮮明なサウンドが特徴のユニークで高品質なヘッドフォン、イヤホンに特化したオーディオ・デザイン・ブランド。コペンハーゲンに本社を置くAIAIAIは、デンマークの代表するオーディオ、電子音響のデザイン、エンジニアリングのスタジオとして成長してきた。北欧デザインの代表として、AIAIAIの高品質で使いやすいオーディオプロダクトは、流行からは一線を画した感度の高いプロダクトデザインは、全世界で支持を得ている。
Studio A.
住所:Studiestræde 31, DK-1455 Copenhagen
営業時間:12:00-〜18:00(金曜日18:30まで, 土曜日11:00〜15:30)
TEL:+45 3534 6354
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi to Denmark’s worldwide reputation as leader in acoustic and electro- acoustic design and engineering. Informed by a heritage of Scandinavian design, AIAIAI strives to create high quality, accessible audio products that deliver value far beyond trend-driven aesthetics.
With the opening of Studio A – the self-proclaimed ‘world’s smallest flagship store’ -at the front of their downtown headquarters, they’ve ventured into retail and the new store is packed floor-to-ceiling with essentials for the design-loving music aficionado, while offering a curated selection of vinyl, T-shirts, gadgets and DJ gear.
Apart from AIAIAI’s sought after range of headphones, Studio A sells items from the company’s international partners and friends, such as Teenage Engineering, Ghostly International, Fool’s Gold, Infiné Records, Native Instruments and Kitsuné. Make sure to drop by when in Copenhagen.
Studio A.
Address: Studiestræde 31, DK-1455 Copenhagen
Opening Hours: 12:00-18:00 (Friday till 18:30, Saturday 11:00-15:30)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +45 3534 6354