フスク・ミット・ナヴンHusk Mit Navn

© Husk Mit Navn
Probably you are wondering what is the meaning of his name. Well, it is Danish for “Remember my name”. Copenhagen-based artist Husk Mit Navn is one of the current references in the illustration and street art from Scandinaviaおそらくこの名前を見て、一体どういう意味なのか不思議に思われるだろう。これはデンマーク語で「私の名前を忘れないで」という意味である。コペンハーゲンを拠点に活動するアーティスト、フスク・ミット・ナヴン(Husk Mit Navn)は、現代北欧のイラストレーションとストリートアートの質の高さを保証する存在だ。もともとグラフィティ界で高い評価を得ていた彼は、イラストレーション、スプレーアート、ウォールペインティング、絵画、ストリートポスター、彫刻と幅広く活動している。その作風はとても特徴的だ。大きな頭、ストレートヘアのキャラクター。あるいは彼の相棒「ミッキーダック」というキャラクターを見たことがある人もいるだろう。とにかく彼はたくさんの作品を手がけており、ヨーロッパ内外の多くのギャラリーで展示されている。
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Shiori Saito. He has a background in the graffiti scene, which has given him a good reputation. He works with illustration, spray, murals, paintings, street posters and sculpture. He has a very recognizable style. You can find characters with big heads and straight hair or perhaps you already have seen his symbiosis of Mickey duck. Either way he has worked in lots of projects and exhibited his work in different art galleries in and out of Europe.
How is under your opinion the design, art and illustration school arena in Copenhagen?
Copenhagen has two big schools: The Danish Design School and The Royal Art Academy. I have known people who have gotten a lot out of these schools and some who did not. Its all up to the individual person how much energy he or she put into the studies. But it’s the same reality you face when you leave school. It’s all up to you. If you want to make a living doing something creative you have to work a lot and you must be more hungry for success than other people.
How do you see these scene in Copenhagen?
I keep one eye on the graffiti scene, but the street art scene I don’t watch it so closely. Copenhagen graffiti is alive and kicking. A lot of good writers live here and it’s one of the best places in Europe to check out graffiti.
Do you have any favorite artists colleagues in Scandinavia you appreciate?
These people do nice stuff: John Kørner (DK), Jockum Nordström (SE), Finsta (SE), Jan Danebod (DK), Jacob Boeskov (DK), Jan Stenmark (SE), Krass Clement (DK), Kristian Hammerstad (NO), Egs (FI) Joakim Eskildsen (DK) to mention a few.
Please tell me some tips about your city.
The Nørrebro Station is a good place to go. There are no place like this anywhere else in Scandinavia. Lots of graffiti on the elevated train line and on the streets and people from all over the world.
Would you recommend any art gallery or museum in town?
In Copenhagen I would recommend the V1 Gallery and for a trip outside of the city I would go to the Louisiana Museum in north of Copenhagen or to Malmö Konsthall in Sweden, 40 minutes away by train.
Text: Victor Moreno