

© Storm

© Storm

The Storm store is the brainchild of Rasmus Storm and it has become internationally renowned for being a leading lifestyle and fashion store in Europe, as well as a trendsetter. Beyond fashion it is a conceptual platform where culture and art can come togetherラスムス・ストームがオーナーを務めるストームは、今や流行を生み出し、世界的にも有名なヨーロッパを率いるライフスタイル・ファッションストアとなった。服を買うだけのファッションストアの枠を終えて、カルチャー、アートが一緒になったコンセプチュアルな場として、美容製品や本など様々な商品に加え、展示も行われている。ラスムス・ストームは、20年以上ファッション業界に身を置き、その後、ストームをオープンする前は木製パレットの会社の生産管理を務めたという変わった経歴の持ち主。



住所:1 Store Regnegade, 1110 Copenhagen
TEL:+45 (0)3393 0014

Text: Mike Sullivan
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi
; it is not just a store to buy clothes, you can also buy beauty products, books, etc, and see exhibitions. Rasmus Storm has been working in fashion for over 20 years, and he comes from an unusual background – he was working in production management for a wooden pallet company before opening Storm.

It is located near a popular shopping area in the centre of Copenhagen and is close to the Rosenborg Palace Garden, in addition Gallery Susanne Ottesen is literally a minute or two away and the Henrik Vibskov Boutique is not far away. This whole beautiful area has many typical Copenhagen buildings and everywhere you look there are interesting looking shops, Storm itself is a large store located at the bottom of a five storey brick building, however both inside and outside it has a very modern appearance. Laid out on tables, hung from walls or displayed on shelving and hangers you can find all kinds of interesting items which really single this store out as being very unique. The members of staff are more than happy to help you find what you are looking for, however it is also very easy just to browse the shop’s contents at leisure.

Storm also has a very interesting and interactive website consisting of a blog and items listed by category, which can be bought online, and the homepage is constantly updated with new products and full information about designers and their work which includes photos and videos. As such it is really easy to spend a lot of time looking at the website and discovering new products and people.

This store has a well-deserved reputation compounded by its modern feel and great location, as it has such a wide range of products it is suitable for everyone, but in particular for those people who love contemporary fashion design and cutting edge life style items.

Address: 1 Store Regnegade, 1110 Copenhagen
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 17:30 (Friday till 19:00, Saturday 10:00 – 16:00)
Tel: +45 (0)3393 0014

Text: Mike Sullivan

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