ポップ・シーピーエイチPOP cph

© POP cph
In 2005 a new addition to Copenhagen’s exciting collection of shops opened, it was started with a concept of combining amazing parties, styles and experiences. POP cph is a very unique store where simply by signing up online2005年にコペンハーゲンでパーティーとスタイル、実際の体験をミックスしたコンセプトの新しいショップ、ポップ・シーピーエイチがオープンした。このユニークなショップは、ウェブサイトにサインアップすると頻繁に行われるファッションとクラブが融合したパーティーへ招待される。年齢にかかわらず誰でも楽しめるこのパーティーでは、招待客が実際にデザイナーたちに会うことができるのだ。カスパー・ヘンリクセンとミケル・クリステンセンという2人のオーナーによる運営のもとポップ・シーピーエイチに、2008年にはパーティーからインスピレイションを得たメンズとレディースのクラシックコレクションが追加された。
POP cph
住所:POP Studio, Gråbrødretorv 4, Kld. 1154 Copenhagen
TEL:+45 (0)2267 2867
Text: Mike Sullivan you can gain invitations to their regular parties which are a mixture of fashion and clubbing, normal people can meet designers and everyone is welcome regardless of their age. In 2008 it expanded and launched a classic collection for men and women inspired by the parties. The two minds behind this shop are Kasper Henriksen and Mikkel Kristensen.
In parts of Copenhagen like the centre there are lovely cobbled streets and POP cph is on one such street near a lovely square surrounded by characteristic Danish buildings with great cafes and outside seating in the summer. It is near the famous Church of the Holy Spirit, Copenhagen Library and also it is within a few minutes’ walk of Storm (designer fashion store). Like many stores and cafes in Denmark, the shop has the impression of being just below street level, and as you step down to enter you will find yourself in a very modern store with whitewashed brick walls. It is very well lit, with clear thought behind how everything should be displayed.
There are four collections per year, the details of which are also put on the website so that you can see the most recent one, and can also be bought online. On the website you can also sign up to receive information about the POP cph parties and see their blog which is constantly updated.
Every year their reputation has grown and grown and now POP cph can be found working with hundreds of fashion stores, boutiques and department stores across Europe. It is a truly delightful little shop which represents the cutting edge of Danish fashion design, which of course also comes together with parties.
POP cph
Address: POP Studio, Gråbrødretorv 4, Kld. 1154 Copenhagen
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (Friday till 19:00, Saturday 10:00 – 17:00)
Tel: +45(0)2267-2867
Text: Mike Sullivan