The Nordic cuisine holds an ambivalent place in the heart of many Scandinavians. Although many would agree of its tastefulness and closeness to our nature, few have the time多くのスカンジナビア人にとって北欧料理は複雑な存在だ。北欧料理は体に優しく、質も高いと認めてはいるものの、古くから伝わるレシピの数々を再現するための知識や時間的余裕を持つ者はわずか or the knowledge to cook these old recipes. But times might be changing with a newfound curiosity on sourdough bread and mushroom picking in the woods. As the pinnacle of this changing attitude, you will find Noma, Copenhagen’s all-Nordic gourmet restaurant.
With one foot in the Scandinavian culinary heritage, Rene Redzepi, the head-chef of noma, wishes to introduce a modern Nordic cuisine in world top class, by using products special for the northern climate. For example, sea mussels and lobsters from the Faeroes, fishes from Iceland and berries and lamb from Greenland. The goal is to create simple and fresh food, which mirrors the nature from which it originated.
One must agree that they have succeeded, as Noma beat Spanish El Bulli in 2010 and was awarded as the S.Pellegrino World’s Best 50 Restaurants. Since which it has, unsurprisingly, been increasingly difficult to get a table for the evening.
In October Phaidon will release a book with Rene Redzepi about the food philosophy and creativity of Noma.
Address: Strandgade 93, 1401 Copenhagen
Opening Hours: Lunch 12:00-13:30, Dinner 18:00-22:00
Closed on Sunday and Monday
Tel: +45 3296 3297
Text: Erik Westemanしかいない。しかし、サワードウで作ったパンや森の中でキノコ狩りをすることに対する新たな好奇心が現状を変えるかもしれない。そしてこの意識変化の頂点にあるのが北欧グルメを網羅するコペンハーゲンのレストラン、ノーマ(Noma)なのだ。
2010年、「サンペレグリノ 世界ベストレストラン50」でスペインのエル・ブリを破り世界一のレストランの栄誉に輝いたことで、ノーマの成功は疑いのないものとなった。それ以来、当然のことではあるが、ノーマにディナーの予約を入れることはますます難しくなっている。
住所:Strandgade 93, 1401 Copenhagen
TEL:+45 3296 3297
Text: Erik Westeman
Translation: Kazuyuki Yoshimura