ミエルケ&ホッティカールMielcke & Hurtigkarl

© Mielcke & Hurtigkarl
Restaurant Mielcke & Hurtigkarl is a gourmet restaurant that sets out to touch all senses. It is located in the oldest garden society in the world – The Danish Royal Garden Society and located in the area of Frederiksbergレストランミエルケ&ホッティカールは五感のすべてに訴えかけるグルメ・レストランだ。世界でも最も古くからあるフレデリックスベルのデンマーク王立庭園協会にあり、フレデリックスベルパークのちょうど右隣、コペンハーゲンの中心部からはちょうど5〜10分程度の場所だ。レストランになっている建物は時を遡ること1662年に、当時の王族が娯楽と愉悦のために建てたものだ。
Restaurant Mielcke & Hurtigkarl
住所:Frederiksberg Runddel 1, 2000 Frederiksberg, Copenhagen
TEL:+45 3834 8436
Text: Louise Brandstrup Zastrow
Translation: Akari Otomo, right next to Frederikberg Have, just 5-10 min. from the very center of Copenhagen. The building in which the restaurant is set dates back to 1662 and was built for the royalty at the time for the their pleasure and entertainment.
In 2008 Jakob Mielcke together with his partner Jan Hurtigkarl took over the space and completely transformed the interior. A project that involved some of Denmark’s most famous and talented artists and designers such as Henrik Vibskov, Margrethe Odgaard and Anika Lori.
The place is well-known for it’s experimental and inventive cuisine and it has long been favoured by food connoisseurs from all over the world. This is a one-seating, limited space and dinner only restaurant with a fixed menu that takes it’s inspiration from nature – the goal is not to imitate, but to communicate what surrounds us and is in seasons, but keeping an outlook to the world.
It has its own flower and herb garden where the chefs pick from on a daily basis and also work with the best of local suppliers. This is a unique blend of gourmet and design in an oasis everything here is perfect for peace and pleasure.
Restaurant Mielcke & Hurtigkarl
Address: Frederiksberg Runddel 1, 2000 Frederiksberg, Copenhagen
Opening Hours: 18:00 – 00:00 (last booking 21:00)
Closed on Sunday and Monday
Tel: +45 3834 8436
Text: Louise Brandstrup Zastrow