ジャクソン・パークJackson Park
Home to the 1893 World’s Columbian Expositon, Jackson Park is full of history yet still bustling many years later. The park’s 600 acres boasts a beachfront fieldhouse1893年に開催されたシカゴ万国博覧会の会場で、長い歴史を持つジャクソンパークは、今もなお多くの人で賑わっている。
Jackson Park
住所:6401 S. Stony Island Ave., Chicago, IL 60637
Text: Martine Syms
Translation: Megumi Tsuruoka, two walking trails, and an 18-hole golf course. With a brand new fitness center and large sprawling gardens, anyone can easily enjoy a day at Jackson Park.
Jackson Park
Address: 6401 S. Stony Island Ave., Chicago, IL 60637
Tel: 773-256-0903
Text: Martine Syms