
リッキー・リー・ゴードンRicky Lee Gordon

© Ricky Lee Gordon

Word of Art was a concept founded by two South African friends hailing from Johannesburg who decided to make their home and launch their unique concept in Cape Town ワード・オブ・アートは、ユニークな独自のコンセプトをケープタウンを拠点に実行すべく、ヨハネスブルグから迎えられた2人の南アフリカ共和国の友人によって設立された。様式化された芸術展覧会に関する考えを打ち壊そうと、ワード・オブ・アートはギャラリーの外、そして、ストリートへと芸術を運び出すと同時にインスパイアし、世の中へ新しいクリエイティブな可能性を見出すことを目指している。その目的は、世の中へ芸術を溶け込ませすべての人々にとって芸術を格式ばった形式を気にせずアクセスしやすいものにすることで、それにより、皆がインタラクティブになり、新しいアーティストやクリエイティブな人が表現しなければならないことを楽しむことができるようになるのだ。











Word of Art
住所:66 Albert Rd, Woodstock Industrial Centre, Woodstock, Cape Town
TEL:021 4487889

Text: Bertina Appel
Translation: Yuya Masumoto
. Trying to break the conventional concept of the art exhibition, Word of Art looked to bring art out of the gallery and out on the streets, at the same time inspiring and bringing out new creative potential in everyone. The aim was to merge art and make it accessible to all without the pretentious formalities that has come to be associated with art, so that everyone can get inter-active and enjoy what new emerging artists and creatives have to say and show.

Describe Word of Art?

Word of Art no longer exists as a company, as me and my partner have gone our separate ways. Word of Art also stood for an idea, an idea that I will continue carrying on where we left off. This time, hopefully, under a new name and with a great new team.

The idea of Word of Art was to create a platform for artists, projects, exhibitions, events, marketing strategies and creative campaigns without being boxed in as a traditional agency. I want everything I do to have a strong focus on artistry, imagination and creativity. I. believe in Peter Pan, and his theory that everyone forgets how to fly as they grow up…

I believe that everyone is creative and that everyone is an artist. Therefore, through creative and artistic projects, I try offer an experience that will inspire and affect the heart, thus reminding our clients and our audience that they already know how to fly.

What is the idea behind recruiting South African Talent in this unconventional way?

It’s all about creating insight and opportunities for deserving artists. When I was 18, I started a graffiti art project that would help already established artists get a fair rate and also create projects to let them do exactly the kind of work they wanted to do. I did that for a few years, as I myself was an artist and didn’t want a life in artist management. My ex-partner and I got talking and we realized the potential of creating an agency that represented a variety of mediums and talents that also gave me the freedom to create new projects. All these artists were already friends of ours, so it wasn’t hard finding the right people. I always believed that we did it because it needed to be done, these artists deserved it and South Africa is in need of people behind the scenes pushing projects and promoting talent as we have so much to showcase.

You guys have a fresh approach in recruiting all artists, even ‘non-artists’ by inviting all to partake in the events and campaigns at your space in and outside Woodstock. Why this approach/ what is the aim?

As I said everyone is creative. A year ago we moved into the Woodstock Industrial Centre, a semi-derelict building in a bad part of town. With the support of a willing landlord, I managed to bring in over 50 new creative tenants to full up the building. Each artist has brought the studios to life, the building now has a mini ramp, hosts yoga and life drawing evenings, and I continue to organize special events like ‘movie nights’, creative nights and exhibitions. My new team and I have plans for a Market and some creative concerts with a difference. My aim is to make art popular and more accessible and for this to become a reality it has to be shared by everyone.

What do you love most about Cape Town?

Mountain, ocean, city.

What’s you favorite restaurant/place to grab a bite?

I would say Bombay Bicycle Club (158 Kloof Street, Garden) has the best food, and Oriental Bizarre in the city is cheap, fast and really good.

Word of Art
Address: 66 Albert Rd, Woodstock Industrial Centre, Woodstock, Cape Town
Tel: 021 4487889

Text: Bertina Appel

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