
サンマルティン劇場Teatro San Martin

As from 1906 attempts were made to promote a project to “create an official coliseum on whose tables the theatrical art lights would shine年間百万人以上の人々が訪れるサンマルティン劇場は、地上13階、地下4階、式典会場や展示室、映画館、作業室、倉庫など芸術活動における様々な用途に応じて使用できる設備が整った大型劇場施設である。



Teatro San Martin
住所:1530 Corrientes Avenue, Downtown, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 0800 333 5254

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
. After several requests to the legislature for the foundation of such a place, nothing really happened until 1936, when the Buenos Aires City Council set out to create the People’s Theatre. The aim of this undertaking was to “allow the city to have a huge popular theatre that would be accessible to all social classes.”

At the end of that same year the People’s Theatre premises were moved to the ex-New Theatre premises, located on 1530, Corrientes Ave. with a concession for 25 years.
The authorities of the Revolution of June 4th 1943 ended the aforementioned concession and thus the official premises of the Theatre were lost. That same year, by a decree of the Municipal Executive Department, The Buenos Aires City Theatre was created.

After several refurbishments, the Municipal Theatre of Buenos Aires was inaugurated in 1944, with the premiere of the play “Passion and death of Silverio Leguizamón,” by Bernardo Canal Feijóo. The construction of the present-day building in the site of the Municipal Theatre — already called General San Martín — began on June 24th 1954 based on a project by architects Mario Roberto Álvarez and Macedonio Oscar Ruiz. It opened to the public on May 25th 1960 (the day when the country was celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary of the May Revolution) though there were no artistic activities that year. With “Over a century of Argentinean Theatre”, a drama, dance, music and ballet show with María Gutierrez, Gloria Ferrandiz and Santiago Gómez Cou, among others, the General San Martín Theatre, the most influential theatrical complex in Latin America and doubtless one of the most important in the world, finally began its cultural activity.

From then onwards the San Martín Theatre has taken up a higher and higher position in the Buenos Aires cultural life. Located in the heart of the city it takes up 30,000 square metres with its façade towards Corrientes Avenue, a must in the Buenos Aires night, and it is visited by over one million people annually. Its structure — comprising three volumes — with thirteen floors and four basements, has three function rooms as well as several exhibition rooms, a cinema, workshops, warehouses and cabinets for the development of the different tasks connected with artistic activities.

Teatro San Martin
Address: 1530 Corrientes Avenue, Downtown, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 0800 333 5254

Text: Celeste Najt
地址:1530 Corrientes Avenue, Downtown, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 0800 333 5254

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