
ブエノスアイレス動物園Zoological Garden

Photo: Celeste Najt

Photo: Celeste Najt

Two of the most important leisure complexes in Buenos Aires are situated on Las Heras Avenue, one opposite the otherカルロス・タイス植物園」と並んでブエノスアイレスの2大行楽施設と言われるのが「ブエノスアイレス動物園」。両者はラス・ヘラス大通りを挟んで、それぞれ向かい合って建っている。この動物園の魅力は、そこで見られる様々な動物達だけではなく、世界中の古典様式建築にも引けをとらないその建物にもある。






Zoological Garden
住所:Av. Sarmiento & Av. Las Heras, Palermo, Buenos Aires
料金:パスポート 3USD(アトラクションを含む)/12歳未満 入場無料
TEL:+54 4011 9900/9999

Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
. These are the Botanical Gardens, designed by landscape gardener Carlos Thays and the Buenos Aires Zoo.

The zoo does not only have interesting animals, but also an eccentric architecture that tries to emulate classical architectural pieces from all over the world: the entrance doors are somewhat reminiscent of Emperor Titus’ Triumphal Arch in Rome; The Palace of the Elephants is a copy of the Temple of the Goddess Nimaschi in Mumbai ; and thus, each of the towers hosting species is reminiscent of buildings of different origins.

Founded over 100 years ago by president Domingo Sarmiento, the zoo nowadays offers plenty of activities related to animals, all of which go beyond simple observation. The visit to the Aquarium-Reptilarium is a must: there is a wide variety of snakes and serpents, giant turtles and unique marine species. The tropical jungle is populated by toucans and diverse kinds of birds. The seals, polar bears and Australian kangaroos have dazzling habits. In addition, a “Chinese Area” has been opened recently, where there are two red panda bears and a kind of Pere David’s Deer.

As from September, the zoo will be open at night, for visitors to learn about the animals’ behaviour after the sun goes down.
It is worth dedicating a whole afternoon or a night to visiting this place. You can also grab the opportunity to see other attractions in the area: visit the Botanical Gardens and dine at the Evita Museum.

Zoological Garden
Address: Av. Sarmiento & Av. Las Heras, Palermo, Buenos Aires
Open: 10:00-20:00 (Closed on Monday)
Entrance Fee: Passport includes all the attractions: 3USD
   Children under 12 years old have free admission.
Tel: +54 4011 9900 / 9999

Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Zoological Garden
地址:Av. Sarmiento & Av. Las Heras, Palermo, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 4011 9900/9999

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