アーバン・ステーションUrban Station

© Urban Station
Technological advances, notebooks and netbooks getting smaller and smaller; mobile phones, the versatility of the Internet, and the possibility of storing documentsパソコンの小型化、携帯電話の普及、インターネットの多用性、文書の電子化保存、こういった技術の進歩によって、10年前には考えられなかったような場所で仕事をできるようになった。アーバン・ステーションが登場したのもそれが理由だ。旅行者や出張者、世界を旅するアーティストや企業家たちに職場を提供するためなのだ。
Urban Station
住所:4588 El Salvador Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 4897 2161/2
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Nakagawa in cyberspace, all offer job opportunities unthinkable ten years ago. This is how the idea for Urban Station came up, an alternative space for a new kind of people: travellers or movable workers, artists and entrepreneurs who travel the world in their laptops.
Located in the new downtown area of Buenos Aires, Palermo Soho, this place surprises passers-by with its modern design, visible from the street thanks to its glass facade.
Urban Station is a revolution: the first place in Buenos Aires in where you
Can have enough space for work, your own plug and locker for your computer.
Everything for a Basic price including wifi connection, coffe, tea, croissants, fruits and cookies, in unlimited quantity.
The offer includes three main facilities: Open Space, where there are individual tables and a communal table, living-rooms and a counter; two meeting halls and a space for events.
The central idea in Urban Station is a combination of the flexibility and informality of a bar with all the facilities of an office. You have
Urban Station is ideal to change atmospheres, and enjoy a wonderful room while the perfect concentration for work is attained.
Urban Station
Address: 4588 El Salvador Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 9:00-21:00 (Saturday to 14:00)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +54 4897 2161/2
Text: Celeste Najt