サバテール・エルマノスSabater Hnos
For all those who seek out an original gift or wish to delight themselves with the playful pleasure of scent and colour Sabater Hnos個性的な贈り物を捜し求める人や自分へのご褒美として香りと色を楽しめる物が欲しいという人にとって、この「サバテール・エルマノス」は最高の場所となってくれるであろう。家族経営であるこの会社は“特別な”石鹸を作るという情熱を持って祖父の代から続いており、スペインのバルセロナに工場と店舗を持っている。
Sabater Hnos
住所:Gurruchaga 1821, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 4833 3004
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine. is a light ahead.
The company is owned by a family that has maintained the passion for making “special” soaps from the grandfather’s generation, which represents the source of inspiration of his grandchildren, Sebastián, Martín and Eliana, who were responsible for the inauguration of the Palermo branch in the year 2002. They aimed at opening to the public a workshop where they would be free to develop all the queries they had as craftsmen by trade.
In the Palermo branch — they also own a factory and a store in Barcelona, Spain — there are over 50 different soaps placed on wooden washbasins so that the visitor is able to smell each of the exotic soaps with absolute freedom.
“My favourite,” Martín says, “is Old Lavender, a composition created by my grandfather for Fulton 50 years ago. (Lavender Resinoid + Petit Green + Tobacco and Bergamot orange) (2USD)”. Customer favourites are coconut, jasmine, lemon verbena, vanilla and lavender (from 1,50USD to 2,30USD). And the most remarkable are the soaps bearing legends (“Want to bathe with me?” or “This does not cleanse the conscience”) (2USD), those in the shape of golf balls (1,50USD) and the petals, which are thin soap flakes with different fragrances (from 12USD to 25USD).
The Sabaters are delighted to be able to make a living out of what they really enjoy and in this way they manage to sell entertainment by means of the unique and special soaps they create.
Sabater Hnos
Address: Gurruchaga 1821, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 4833 3004
Text: Celeste NajtSabater Hnos
地址:Gurruchaga 1821, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 4833 3004