パラシオ・バローロPalacio Barolo

© Palacio Barolo
In the center in Buenos Aires, May Avenue which connects May Square and Parliament Square, offers important attractions of Buenos Aires. The Palacio Barolo is one of the important buildingsブエノスアイレスの中心、五月広場と国会議事堂広場を結ぶ五月通りには、見逃すことの出来ない観光スポットが集結している。このパラシオ・バローロもまた、五月通りに位置する重要建築物のひとつである。
Palacio Barolo
住所:Av. De Mayo 1390, Downtown, Buenos Aires
ツアーガイド:平日16:00〜19:00, 金曜日は20:00から
TEL:+54 11 4383 1065
Text: Mami Goda located on May Avenue.
Palacio Barolo is the most beautiful Art Nouveau building in Buenos Aires which was built in 1922 by Italian architect Mario Paranti. Constructed by the demande of the Italian textile company president Luis Barolo, the Palacio Barolo was the highest building in Buenos Aires until 1935 when Kavanagh builging (high-rise building in San Martin Square) was built.
The biggest attraction of the Palacio Barolo is that the whole building has been inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy. The building is divided into three parts: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. 9 vaulted arches refer to 9 hierarchies of Hell. The 100m height of the building is representative of 100 cantos of the entire Divine Comedy. The building comprises a total of 22 floors, each of which is divided into two blocks. And each block contains 11 rooms, that means thare are 22 room on each floor. The number 22 is the number of strophes of Divine Comedy.
Lighthouse located at the top of the building was possible to be seen from Uruguay. The lighthouse has the capacity of 30 million spark plugs. Barolo had not shined during more than 40 years in Buenos Aires, but in 2010 it was refurbished and ceremoniously celebrated the bicentennial of Argentina.
In 1997, the Palacio Barolo was designated as important cultural property. This magnificent building proudly keeps watching over the city of Buenos Aires.
Palacio Barolo
Address : Av. De Mayo 1390, Downtown, Buenos Aires
Tour Guide : Monday-Thursday 16:00-19:00, Friday from 20:00
Tel : +54 11 4383 1065
Text: Mami Goda