photo: Celeste Najt
On the most important avenue in Buenos Aires, the 9 de Julio, the Porteño icon par excellence is located. The Obelisk, an architectural piece built in 1936 by architect Alberto Prebischブエノスアイレスの数ある通りの中でも最も重要と位置付けられている、7月9日大通りにある「オベリスコ」。1936年、ブエノスアイレスの設立400周年を祝って、アルゼンチンモダニズムを代表する建築家の一人、アルベルト・プレビッシュにより設計された。ちなみに彼は、この塔はただ名前が必要だったから「オベリスコ(方尖塔)」と名付けられただけで、彼自身はいっそ「モニュメント(記念塔)」と呼びたい、と話している。
住所:Corrientes Avenue intersection with 9 de Julio avenue, Buenos Aires
Text and Photo: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine — one of the main exponents of the Argentinean modernism— who says it was called Obelisk in order to give it a name, but he would rather simply call it Monument. The reason behind its construction was the anniversary of the 4th centenary of the first foundation of the city.
It is not possible to look anywhere else: one’s gaze becomes fixed upon this “monument” spotlessly white, with four small dark windows in the upper part. It is 67.5 metres high, the maximum allowed, and it has only one door through which it is possible to go inside and upwards to its top by means of a straight staircase — 206 steps with 7 landings every 8 metres and one after 6 metres.
Building work lasted 60 days and cost $200,000 (pesos Moneda Nacional); 680 m3 cement and 1360 m2 white Olaen stone from Córdoba were used, the latter had to be replaced in 1943 due to its deterioration by polished concrete worked in such a way it simulated the original stone.
The Obelisk is usually the centre of demonstrations and social movements and it is also the place where important football victories are celebrated.
The streets coming out onto it are Corrientes Avenue, where the Buenos Aires theatre scene, restaurants and cinemas are located, and Roque Saenz Peña Avenue, where there are many law-related office buildings due to its proximity to the courts.
The Obelisk is in the midst of the Argentineans’ day life and nightlife. The area is overpopulated: during the day by executives and at night by artists, people and characters seeking entertainment and diversity at night.
Address: Corrientes Avenue intersection with 9 de Julio avenue, Buenos Aires
Text: Celeste Najt丰碑
地址:Corrientes Avenue intersection with 9 de Julio avenue, Buenos Aires