
サンテルモ市場San Telmo Market

San Telmo district located to the south eastern part of Buenos Aires is renowned for its preservation of heritage, representing “the good old days”. San Telmo Market (Mercado de San Telmo) was built by argentine architect Juán Buschiazzo in 1879サンテルモ地区はブエノスアイレスの南東に位置する古き良き歴史が残る場所。中でもメルカード・サンテルモ(サンテルモ市場)は、1897年にアルゼンチンの建築家フアン・ブスキアッソによって建てられた100年以上の歴史を持つ市場だ。サンテルモ地区のデフェンサ通り、カルロス・カルヴォ通り、ボリバール通、エスタドス・ウニドス通りが囲む1ブロックの大半が巨大な市場となっている。




Text and photo: Mami Goda
. The market takes up most of the block rounded by Defensa, Bolívar, Carlos Calvo and Estados Unidos streets. 

In the past it was an exchange place for the citizens but nowadays it has became a famous tourist attraction from Buenos Aires. The market is crammed with various shops for things like food, used clothing, antique furniture, toys, accessories, etc. There is even a sitting stand where you can have a snack.

We can find not only Argentine craft products typified by the siphon (soda bottle made of antique colored glass) and silver plates, but also European modern designs derived from immigrant culture.

In the last years, the San Telmo district became a new fashion spot like Palermo district. You will find everywhere young designers’ boutiques, modern restaurants and bars in this area, but particularly on Defensa Street. Another antique flea market is held every Sunday at Dorrego Plaza which is also well known by its tango-live.

Text and photo: Mami Goda

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