
マル・デル・プラタMar del Plata

Mar del Plata, Photo: <a href=http://www.flickr.com/photos/26160403@N02/ target=new>Dr. Pablo Gonzalez</a>

Mar del Plata, Photo: Dr. Pablo Gonzalez

マル・デル・プラタは、ブエノスアイレスから南へ400kmほどに位置するアルゼンチン最大のリゾート地。人口60万人のこの都市に、年間600万人もの観光客が訪れるMar del Plata is a city with a harmonious mixture of past and present that renders it a suitable destination. Its proximity to the capital city —Buenos Aires, 404 km。夏も夜には涼しく週末の観光や、避暑地としてブエノスアイレス市民に親しまれている。国際的な映画祭が行われることでも有名だ。





Mar del Plata

Text: Celeste Najt
when they plan a weekend mini break or some longer holidays.

With an area of 1453km2 — has turned it into an option for many families, a population of 600,000, and a 47km wide coastline, the city is visited by 6,000,000 people every year. During the summer, it is almost impossible to find accommodation; therefore, it is best to go there in the low season. In the summer the temperatures are warm during the day and cool at night, due to the maritime climate. In the winter, it is especially cold and windy. As well as having 6 beach resorts,

Mar del Plata has a complete tourist centre with a varied gastronomic and commercial offer. The most interesting feature in the city is how turn-of-the-century architecture has been preserved — in some areas. Downtown, the Central Post Office building (2460 Luro Ave.) can be seen — it is reminiscent of the work of Le Corbusier — as well as the Arabian Palace (Córdoba 1861) and the Rivadavia Gallery building (Rivadavia street corner with San Luis street) made by architect Antonio Bonnet.

As regards hotels, the Sheraton and the Costa Galana are the best — but also the most expensive— due to their location with a view of the sea. However, there are several less luxurious apart-hotels and hostels, which are also cosy and more affordable.

In the area of the harbour there is a wide range of restaurants that specialize in seafood and the setting is worth watching, populated as it is by fishing boats and tourists. The Museo del Mar (Museum of the Sea) (1114 Colon Ave.) is another interesting sight in the city, located in a house dating from 1930, and holding a collection of 30,000 seashells. It is a nice tour for the family and also for children.

In the ‘Divino Rostro’ (Divine Face) neighbourhood in the outskirts of the city there is the Casa de Victoria Ocampo (Victoria Ocampo’s House) (1851 Matheu Street) Cultural Centre — it was opened by her grandson to pay homage to this talented writer of the late 19th century. There is an interesting collection of bibliographical material about the author.

Boston Tea Room is the best thing that could have happened to Mar del Plata; there are several branches where you can try their typical ‘borrachitos’ (pastry covered in rum syrup). If you are visiting Buenos Aires, you can make the most of a spring or autumn weekend by travelling to this fantastic city.

Mar del Plata
From Buenos Aires is through the Route 2, also known as Autovia 2 wich goes all along the coast. Train or bus, are other good options, it takes 5-6 hours. If you prefer go by plane, it will takes only 90 minutes.

Text: Celeste Najt


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