レピL´épi boulangerie

© L´épi boulangerie
L´épi is a delightful bakery located in two different points of the city, Colegiales and Recoleta. The Project of two French owners, Bruno Gillot and Olivier Hanocq「L´épi(レピ)」はコレヒアレス地区とレコレタ地区に店舗をかまえる素敵なパン屋さん。この店を経営するのは、1997年にブエノスアイレスにやって来たフランス人のブリュノ・ジロとオリヴィエ・ エノクだ。
2人とも料理分野では文句なしの経歴があり、ブリュノはシャンゼリゼ通りにある老舗レストランの「Le Fouquet´s(ル・フーケ)」や パレ・ロワイヤル内にある三つ星レストラン「Le Grand Vefour(ル・グラン・ヴェフール)」で働いていたこともあるパティシエだ。アルゼンチンに来てからは、レピをオープンする前までマリオットプラザホテルにあるフランス菓子店を任されていた。
一方のオリヴィエは17歳の時に、世界的にも名高い「Le Notre(ル・ノートル)」で料理の腕を磨き始めて、アルゼンチンでは国内の学校やインターナショナルスクールで料理について教えている。
L´épi boulangerie Recoleta
住所:1567 Montevideo Street, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4812 1390
L´épi boulangerie Colegiales
住所:1769 Roseti Street, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4552 6402
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Nakagawa, who arrived in Buenos Aires in 1997.
They both have spotless careers in the field: Bruno is a qualified patissier who has worked in Le Fouquet´s (Champs Elysees) and Le Grand Vefour (Palais Royal) among others. In Argentina, he was the head at the Marriot’s patisserie until L´épi was opened.
Olivier began his career in gastronomy when he was 17 years old, in prestigious, internationally renowned Le Notre, and he has been teaching what he knows at different local and international schools.
L´épi is a home-style bakery frozen in time and full of French flavour, where a wonderful variety of bread can be found: rye bread, country bread, all-bran, foccacia, brioche, baguette, bread with raisins and walnuts, and also croissants and au chocolat bread – an irresistible typically French pastry. All these delights are made out of the science of two expert masters, who use an oven built in 1911 – one of the oldest in Buenos Aires – in order to attain their goal.
Visiting L´épi is part of a twofold magical experience for the senses: its flavour and atmosphere are unique and they transport the visitor to another city and period, where everything tastes delicious.
L´épi boulangerie Recoleta
Address: 1567 Montevideo Street, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 8:00-20:30 (Sunday 9:00-13:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +54 11 4812 1390
L´épi boulangerie Colegiales
Address: 1769 Roseti Street, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 7:30-19:30 (Sunday 9:00-13:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +54 11 4552 6402
Text: Celeste Najt