
イグアスの滝Iguazu Falls

Iguazú Falls Photo: <a href=http://www.flickr.com/photos/philliecasablanca/ target=new>Phillie Casablanca</a>

Iguazú Falls Photo: Phillie Casablanca

イグアスの滝は、アルゼンチンとブラジルにまたがる、世界最大級の滝で、16世紀にヨーロッパ人によって発見された。イグアスの滝があるイグアス国立公園The Iguazú falls go from the Argentinean province of Misiones, to the state of Paraná in Brazil. They are a wonder of nature that was first seen by the Europeans in the 16th centuryでは、熱帯雨林の中にあるイグアス川が流れ込み、80メートルの落差のある275の滝を見ることができる。この滝を含むイグアス国立公園は、ともにユネスコ世界遺産に登録されている。

住所:Iguazú City, Misiones, Argentina
開園時間:8:00〜19:00 (9月1日〜3月31日) 8:00〜18:00 (4月1日〜8月31日)
TEL:+54 3757 491469

Text: Celeste Najt
. The 275 falls of up to 80 metres high produced by the flow of the River Iguazú turn the area into a tropical forest, making it impossible for the visitor not to get wet due to the exuberant downward water movement. This falls and park were designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1984 and 1986, respectively.

There are two possible tours to visit the falls: the one above and the one below. The former allows you to see the water falling in its maximum fury, almost at your feet. As the tour begins, there is a succession of different falls: Dos Hermanas (Two Sisters), el Bossetti (The Bossetti), el Chico (the Small One), all of which precede the impressive Garganta del Diablo (Devil’s Throat), where the noise is deafening due to the amount of water falling non-stop. The tour below begins at the viewpoint, where there are some staircases – some of them carved out of the rocks – leading to the River Iguazú. This tour also leads to Garganta del Diablo; if you continue walking, going down the path towards Punta Peligro (Danger Peak), you will be able to sail the River Iguazú and cross to San Martín Island. By that time, you are likely to be soaked to the skin by the humidity in the area, so it is advisable to wear waterproof clothes.

The waterfalls are in the boundary between Argentina and Brazil, and a few kilometres away from the Triple Frontier with Paraguay. This is a very important tourist destination, which is also astounding for its natural beauty.

Iguazu National Park
Address: Iguazú City, Misiones, Argentina
Opening Hours: 8:00-19:00 (Sep 1 – Mar 31) 8:00-18:00 (Apr 1 – Aug 31)
Entrance Fee: $60
Tel: +54 3757 491469

Text: Celeste Najt

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