
エル・アテネオ・グランド・スプレンディッド書店El Ateneo Grand Splendid

El Ateneo Library, located at Santa Fe 1860 in Buenos Aires, is one of the most beautiful libraries in South America. The Ateneo was ranked by the English magazine “The Guardian” as the world’s second most beautiful libraryブエノスアイレスのサンタフェ通り1860番地にあるエル・アテネオ・グランド・スプレンディッド書店は、ラテンアメリカでもっとも重要な書店であり、英国のザ・ガーディアン誌によって「世界で最も美しい書店」第2位に選ばれている。ちなみに第1位は、オランダ・マーストリヒト市の「セレクシーズ書店聖ドミニカ教会店」。




El Ateneo Grand Splendid
住所:1860 Santa Fe Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
営業時間:9:00〜22:00, 金・土曜24:00まで, 日曜12:00〜22:00
TEL:+54 (11) 4813 6052 / 4811 6104

Text: Mami Goda
. (The finest bookshop is Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht, The Netherlands.)

The library was built by Austrian architect Max Glucksman in 1919. For a long time it functioned as a theater which was called “The Grand Splendid”. There were concerts and film projections. Even the famous Tango singer Carlos Gardel played in this theater. The allegory of Peace in the dome was painted by the Italian artist Nazareno Orlandi to commemorate the end of the First World War. In 2002, 81 years after its construction, the theater was transformed into a library.

The original construction has been magnificently conserved. One of the charms of the library is the box terraces which where transformed into reading areas. You can sit there with your favorite books and closely study them. The ancient stage was transformed into a café space where you can take a break to enjoy the view of the splendid architectural space.

The library contains 120,000 books and averages over 3,000 visitors a day. They also organize culture events such as autograph sessions, lectures and concerts.

El Ateneo Grand Splendid
Address: 1860 Santa Fe Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
Open Hours: 9:00 – 22:00, Friday and Saturday till 24:00, Sunday 12:00 – 22:00
Tel: +54 (11) 4813 6052 / 4811 .6104

Text: Mami Goda
El Ateneo盛大辉煌书店
地址:1860 Santa Fe Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 (11) 4813 6052 / 4811 6104

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