
コルタザール広場(セラーノ広場)Cortázar Plaza (Serrano Plaza)

Located in the middle of the Palermo Soho district in Buenos Aires. The plaza took the name of the Argentine writer Julio Cortázar in 1994 making the 10th anniversary of his death. The scenes in his writing often take place in this areaコルタザール広場はブエノスアイレス市内、パレルモ・ソーホー地区の中心部に位置する広場。アルゼンチンを代表する作家フリオ・コルタザールの小説の背景によく使われていることから、作家没後10周年の1994年にこの名が付けられた。セラーノ通りの突き当たりにあることから、通称セラーノ広場と呼ばれる。

主にレストランやバーが広場の四方を囲んでいる。広場上には各店舗のテラスが広がり、朝食時からアフターディナータイムまで毎日賑わいを見せている。たとえば、カラフルなファサードが目を引く、いかにもアトリエ風のバー「El Taller」や、アルゼンチンの若手ストリート系デザイナーによるアバンギャルドなデザインの服やアクセサリーを販売する「パレルミタナ」も面白い。




Text: Mami Goda
. The plaza is commonly known as Plaza Serrano, issued of Serrano Street belonging to the plaza.

The plaza is surrounded on all four sides by many restaurants, bars and their opened terraces. From the breakfast hour to the after diner hour, the plaza is crowded with people. The bar “El taller”, as his name, with attractive colorful appearance offers an atelier style. The “Palermitana” specializes in select Argentine young street fashion designer brands.

Every weekend and for holidays, an Argentine art crafts market (Cortázar Market) is held in the plaza. 40 artists are selected every week to get a stand in the market. You can find typical South American accessories made of various nuts and beans, designed T-shirts, silver objects, etc. The market is opened from 10am to 8pm.

Please also enjoy Serrano street, Honduras street and Jorge Luis Borges street all of which connect to Cortázar Plaza. Urban and snazzy spaces fill the surrounding areas with a variety of shops including gourmet, fashion, interior design, stationary, music, books, etc.

Cortázar Plaza (Serrano Plaza)
Address: Corner of Serrano, Borges & Honduras Streets, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires

Text: Mami Goda
Cortázar广场 (Serrano广场)
地址: Corner of Serrano, Borges & Honduras Streets, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires

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