
コモ・エン・カーサComo en Casa

© Como en Casa

© Como en Casa

Cheese mousse is decorated with shiny violet blueberries contrasting beautifully against the white cheese. Passion fruit pie whets your appetite, alongside the mille feuilles with classic Italian meringueたっぷり飾られたブルーベリーの光沢あるバイオレットと、チーズの純白のコントラストが美しいチーズムース、トロピカルなフレーバーが食欲をそそって止まないパッションフルーツパイ、ふわふわのレモンムースパイやイタリアンメレンゲの乗った定番ドゥルセ・デ・レッチェのミルフィーユ。




Como en Casa
住所:Cespedes 2647, Belgrano, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4788 1456

Text: Mami Goda
and the traditional Argentine Dulce de Leche.

Each cake has a unique beauty and taste. The Argentine sweets have the tendency to be too sweet. However, Como en Casa’s sweets are never too sweet, nor heavy, but instead they are sophisticated and refreshing.

Indeed, it’s sometimes very difficult to choose just one from all these fascinating sweets. That’s also why they serve so many regulars. Como en Casa, created by the Longinotti sisters, has five shops in Buenos Aires– each of which seems like a secret garden. Sweets lovers, as well as people simply coming to work on a computer spend a significant and relaxing time at the shop.

They offer not only the sweets, but also foods such as sandwiches, salads and meat dishes at lunch time. Como en Casa also has catering services for events like anniversaries and weddings and also offer a delivery plan.

Como en Casa
Address: Cespedes 2647, Belgrano, Buenos Aires
Opening hours: 8:00-20:00
Tel: +54 11 4788 1456

Text: Mami Goda

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