
カルロス・タイス植物園Botanical Gardens of Buenos Aires

Photo: Celeste Najt

Photo: Celeste Najt

The Carlos Thays Botanical Gardens of Buenos Aires are located in the neighbourhood of Palermo and delimited by Avenues Santa Fe and Las Heras, República Arabe Siria Street and Italia Square設立者カルロス・タイスの名が冠された「カルロス・タイス植物園」として知られているこの植物園は、サンタ・フェ大通りとラス・エラス大通りに挟まれた、イタリア広場傍に位置する。八角形に囲まれた植物園全体の面積は約7万平方m、園内は5,500種もの植物で溢れ、木陰の下を歩きながら爽やかな午後を過ごすのに絶好の場所となっている。





The Carlos Thays Botanical Gardens of Buenos Aires
住所:Santa Fe 3951, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 4831 4527

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
. The overall surface of the Gardens is 69,772 m2 and they have a perimeter of eight squares. There are 5,500 plant species harmonically distributed in small green settings, the perfect spots for visitors to spend a fresh afternoon in the shade of the leaves.

The masterpiece of landscape gardener Carlos Thays was inaugurated in September 1898. Within the Gardens, there is an English-style mansion in which Thays lived with his family while he was Director of Parks and Footpaths of the City of Buenos Aires (1892-1898). Nowadays the house is the Botanical Gardens Museum. In addition, within the premises there is the Cristóbal María Hicken City Council School of Gardening, dependent on the Agronomy School of the University of Buenos Aires. Thus, while walking among the species it is possible to see youngsters in the midst of plant investigation.
In the Botanical Gardens there are three different types of garden created by Thays, who got his inspiration from the designs which were in vogue in Europe at the time:

The Symmetrical — corresponding to the entrance on Santa Fe Ave.—, a French design dating from the 17th and 18th centuries; The Landscape Gardening Design on Las Heras Ave.; and the Mixed, which is found in the central part of the park. The Gardens are divided into areas with different types of design, representing different areas of the world. The Eastern part has samples of Ginkgo Biloba; in the same manner, the part of Africa has ferns, palm trees and rubber plants, typical vegetation of that area.

The Roman garden is characterized by its sculptures and the presence of cypresses, poplars and laurels.
You can also visit the Greenhouse — in the French Garden — where there are indoor species, or the Herbarium, located in the cellar of the central house. This project has recently been restored and it is a database for 9,000 species which have grown or still populate the Botanical Gardens ever since it was opened.

In order to break away from the hectic life in the area surrounding the park, take a sunny afternoon to walk around the mounds of leaves. If you also take a book and a snack, your short break will become a perfectly peaceful day with plenty of fresh air and vegetation.

The Carlos Thays Botanical Gardens of Buenos Aires
Address: Santa Fe 3951, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 4831 4527

Text: Celeste Najt
Carlos Thays植物园 Buenos Aires
地址:Santa Fe 3951, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
电话:+54 4831 4527

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